Characters and Characterisation

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Firstly, before I introduce the characters to you, I just wanted to let you know these characters are entirely fictional and work of my imagination. Hence, any resemblance to anyone, dead or alive is just a mere coincidence and nothing more.

Also, let me also warn you, these Characters all have their flaws and weaknesses. So none of them are anyway perfect so don't expect them to be perfect or act perfect.

They are going to annoy you, make make you sad, disappoint you but they're also make you happy, make you smile, make you laugh your ass out, and most especially make you swoon *inserts wink faces*.

Soo let me start by introducing the two major characters first *Drum rolls*

Raven Smith

   Raven Smith

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Adrian King

Other Characters includes;

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Other Characters includes;

•Jasmine Houston

•Daniel Smith

• Dylan Downs

• Nathan Gregory

• Penelope Smith

• Lydia Campbell

• Adeyemi Pedro

Note: Other minor characters might or might not be added as the story progresses. For now, the characters above are just the ones I've  thought of. As the work progresses, I might still need to add some characters. But for now, meet the characters in Finding Adonis

I hope you get to love them as much as I do.

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