00: Prologue

44 4 15

Location: Boston

  Several years has past and everything still remains the same. The pain still hurts as much as it hurts yesterday. The wounds still as fresh as the rose from Eden. The bitterness still consuming as the flames from hell. Maybe, my life was hell itself. There was only one way out of this hell which was Finding Adonis.

I carefully examine the metal that sits so heavy in my palm, feels like an embodiment of human sins. The bitterness in mind has manifested in my hand as a pistol. The dark shiny dark metal, a gun, both my savior and my final downfall.

The sound of knocks on the door snaps me into reality and in a hastily manner, I stick the gun back to its normal positions, inside the drawer of my desk.

"Come in."

     "What did you find about him?" I inquire as my private detective walks into my study  room.
"Here, go through it." Nathan tosses the file in his hand over to me as he settles in the chair in front my desk.

Going to through the file, I come across a birth certificate. Taking further notice, I realise it isn't just any birth certificate but the birth certificate of whom I'm searching for.

My eyes scans through the certificate.
Name: Thackeray Adonis.
Date: October 16th, 1986.
Time: 3:24am
Place of birth: St. Nicholas Hospital, Manchester city, England.
Parents Name: Mr and Mrs Thackeray.

  "His birth certificate? Was this all you found?" I paused for a while before speaking again. "You know, we don't even need this." I slam the file unto the table disapointedly.  "This isn't going to help us in the search. We need something authentic. Something useful that would really help us go a long way in the search."

   "Raven calm down--"

"How do you expect me to calm down when the man who is-" I hold back what I want to say and prop my elbow on Nathan's table with my hands clasp together. I sigh exasperatedly and say calmly, "I need to find Adonis, Nathan. And you know how important it is for me to."

   "You didn't even go through the file finish," Nathan states.

I pick up the file from his table and go through the file again. Flipping to the last page, my gaze lands on a certain document.

  "A death certificate?" I blurt out.

Name: Thackeray Adonis.
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Nationality: British
Place of death: Kerrington Hospital, Las Vegas.
Date of death: April 4th, 2006.
Cause of death: Fifth-degree burn.

  "Wait, how this even possible?" I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion as I finish reading the document.

"I was just as surprised as you when I found out," Nathan says.

"This death certificate is fake,"  I declare. 

  "It's actually not fake. The certificate is original. I already made my findings," Nathan fiddles with his car key in his hand as he swivel on the chair.

  "I can swear that Adonis is alive. He is alive and hale. He's still roaming around some area in this world. Nathan, you know Adonis is not dead."

   "I know. I know." He affirms. "But the thing is in the eyes of the law, Adonis is dead. No one like Adonis Thackeray exist again. Everyone believes he died 14 years ago."

  I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Things are just getting complicated. How come Adonis is declared dead when he's still living wrong. This isn't making sense. Something is wrong somewhere."

   "What else did you found out?" I asks.

"That's all." He replies. "I tried my best to gather more information but everything clearly states that Adonis is dead."

  "Oh God!" I remark and plop back in the seat disappointedly.

"Now it's almost impossible to find him because every evident states that he's no longer alive." He says.

"I'm going to find him no matter what it takes," I say confidently.

"Raven, you know this isn't going to be easy, right?" He looks at me straight in the eyes. "It's not too late to back out."

"I'm not backing out of this!" I snap. "I want to do this, I need to do this!"

"There are so many unanswered questions, so many truths to be revealed. I need to uncover these secrets. " I say, determination prominent in my  voice. "And to do this, I need to find Adonis."

   "He is the only one who has the answers to my unanswered questions."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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