Chapter Three: Finding Hayley

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Oceans pov

So i just asked Luca to walk me out and then we said our Byes and stuff he doesn't know that i am back at the group home where i meet him and since he'sgoing to be living with Andy i had to do something i regret doing i.......kissed him "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU JUST FUCKING KISS ME"Lucas yells at me and i looked down at my feet and then i said"i an sorry dont hate me for doing that"and with that he walks away i start crying and start walking back to the group home and when i walk in Paula asks if i am okay and i say my life is ruined "how ocean what happened"she asks worried "Lucas him and then he yelled at me and walked away"i tell Paula With tears in my eyes then Paula hugs me tightly and i sob in her lap.

Lucas pov

i storm in the bus pissed off Andy comes to me and asks if i am okay so i Getty up from my bed and say ocean kissed me she knows i don't like her like that then i run out of the bus i go in to a feild that's close to the buses but not to close i pull my i phone 5c out and take the car off revealing the sharp blade that i keep and i start pushing the blade down in my skin and when i am done i like at my arm to see what i cut and i wrote FAGGOT then at that exact moment i felt some one touch my shoulder i look beside me and is the girl Ashley was with.

"Lucas what..why...when did you do this"she says to me


"stop please"i hear someone scream down the hall of the school so i wall over and she some one beating a girl so i decide to step in "Yo man that's enough she's just a girl" i say nicely to him "make me bitch"he says to meer laughibg with his buddies so i take his head and i wiser in his ear "touch her again and i find out you are fucking dead got it"he shacks his head up and down fastly then i put him down and her ruins off then i go to the girl in the floor knocked out so i put her in my car and ditched school brought her to my house and lucky Andy or mum or even dad wasnt home i put her down on the couch and clean her cuts and put bandages on them so i sit on the other couch watch TV i heart groining coming from her so i look over to her. "where am i"hey aster you okay you were passed out for four hours and i want just going to leave you in the hallway with blood coming out of your tummy so i put you in my car and now you're at my house and my brother is going to be home soon to see if there is going tobe any bad damage but i am Lucas"i say to her and smile at the last part "I am hayley but can i call you Luca" She says to me "sure"


"i...i..its you" i say to Hayley

"haha yeah Lucas its me Hayley but why did you cut faggot in your arm that's what i don't understand"she tells me i look in eyes they are starting to get teary "because i am a jerk and i deserve to d...."my phone cuts me off

P for Paula and L for Lucas



L"yeah and who's this"

P"no need to worry about that its about ocean"

L"what about her"i say quickly

P"s..s..shes um d...dead"


P"she killed her self"

I hang up and i am in shock or just not really believing it i get up and walk to the bus with Hayley i get in side and Andy sees me and he asks me something but i just ignore it so then he slaps me and says"Lucas come talk to me" so i Get up and i walk in his room and then he aspects nothing what i am about to say

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