Twelve | Coming Clean

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been busy with some stuff and I kinda felt uninspired. But fortunately I managed to feel inspired again to continue writing this story and thus this chapter was made. I do warn you, like my previous chapter, this chapter will be full of feels. There will be more of a Stoick and Hiccup father/son moment in some parts.

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter


A seven-year-old Hiccup watched from the docks as three ships came into view. Excited, Hiccup grinned widely.

The chief and his warriors left for a voyage in an attempt to find the long anticipated dragons' nest.

Four months of searching the vast ocean, crossing the Barbaric Archipelago and overcoming beasts of sorts was an exhausting journey. But they were Vikings; it was an occupational hazard.

In the past, many have lost their lives. Some came home injured, missing a limb or two. While others...they lost their lives to protect their own people.

Villagers crowded around the docks, chattering indistinctively, anticipating this return will be a successful one.

Three hundred years of fighting dragons went on far too long. They've grown restless and exhausted of facing dragon attacks almost every day of their lives. They longed for peace.

Part of them hoped they have not lost another loved one.

Losing families and friends to those beasts from Helheim had been something they struggled to move on. It was devastating, to say the least.

As Hiccup watched the sea emerge, he felt his stomach twist in a knot. He knew most of his peers lost their parents in raids. He didn't want to lose his.

After all, he only had one parent left.

With his mother gone when he was an infant, Hiccup only had Stoick as his only family. He had no siblings, no grandparents, no close relatives, except his uncle Spitelout and his cousin, Snotlout.

But they weren't really welcoming to him.

"Look, Gobber! They're here," Hiccup called over his mentor, who was conversing with Phlegma the Fierce, one of Hiccup's neighbours.

The old blacksmith looked up and hobbled over to Hiccup. He hauled him up on his shoulders, giving the young boy a better look at the approaching fleet.

"I wonder if they've found the nest already," Gobber pondered aloud, "My gut tells me this time they might. And that I am really craving for Phlegma's crab cakes. Who would've thought she could cook so well?"

Focused on the approaching fleet, Hiccup barely heard Gobber's comment.

"Do you think my dad will be back?" Hiccup asked, worriedly, "Do you think he hasn't been eaten by dragons?"

Gobber shook his head, "Of course not. That Stoick is bull-headed and stubborn. He's invincible. Nothing can knock him down. Not even a bunch of pesky dragons,"

Hiccup gave a slight smile, "I hope so. I don't want these mean dragons eating my dad. And Gobber?"

"Yes, lad?" Gobber hummed in response.

"Will I ever grow up to become big and strong like my dad?" Hiccup asked, his large green eyes brimming with hope.

Gobber stared at the young heir for a moment. He heard Stoick mentioned a few times how he hoped for Hiccup to grow up strong and take his place as chief someday.

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