Part 2

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 By the time the sun was nearing the horizon Pastel had drug the bodies to the side of the road and placed flowers in each of their hands. PewdiePie who had been killed by Creeper, and he didn’t have anything that might cause him to speak to her so she was pretty happy, she didn’t know anything about him or the other 2. The bodies had begun to smell a little so she headed of Sky’s medallion bouncing slightly against her chest as she hurried into the woods away from the City. She didn’t want to venture farther in fearing she might meet CreeperSlyth again, Pastel didn’t want to have another conversation with her.

“Umm. Headset give me CaptainSparklez Bio please” she says as she dodges branches and bushes.

A miniature hologram of Captain appears showing him doing a number of things, fighting, running, walking, eating, sleeping, and swimming. A mechanical voice begins speaking:

“CaptainSparklez, number 5 on the best Survival games list. He is fast, cunning, and deadly. He is known for his ‘I love you trick’ he has seduced many women. Best friends with AntVenom, and SeaNanners. He can kill 6 people without getting a single scratch; He’s won 6 games and has competed in 21 games. He’s killed a total of 231 PvP players, seduced 34, and has been killed 158 times.” As it ended Pastel had an idea.

“Headset give me CreeperSlyth’s Bio.” She said as she began to set up camp. The hologram changes showing CreeperSlyth hunting, swimming, fighting, talking, running, and sleeping. The mechanical voice begins again.

“CreeperSlyth, number 3 on the best Survival games list. She is cunning and a good swimmer. She is known for sniping people down with her Bow and arrow, also known for how much she talks and her generosity. Best friends with LDshadowlady and Muffy1908. She can do multiple shots and never misses. She’s won 9 games and competed in 21 games. She’s killed a total of 254 PvP players and has been killed 132 times.”

“Never misses huh? Then she purposely missed beforehand.” She was about to go to sleep when…

(Yep she does that.) Pastel jumped up and looked around before realizing Captain was speaking to her.


(Hey none of that my young gullible friend.) He materializes next her in lotus position. (I wish we could continue where we had left of but sadly I’m dead.) He gestures to his body which is floating 4in of the ground.

What do you want Captain?

(Nothing really I’ve been waiting for you to put my glasses on so I could go to hell or whatever.) He stretches out next her.

Pastel grabs her bag and pulls out the glasses. Goodbye Captain.

(Continue to write in my diary will you? If this is my final life then I want it published. I documented every game in that little thing you’re holding.) He sighs and rolls over looking at the stars.

Pastel looks at his floating body sadly and leans down and places a kiss on his forehead as best she can. He sighs longingly. Good luck CaptainSparklez where ever you go.

(Good luck to you as well Pastel.) Captain flickers out as she put the glasses on. There was no difference in the lighting. It was like looking through glass. She pulls out a pencil and the journal and begins to write; by the time she’s done the sound of Mobs spawning is a regular thing. Pastel lies down again and falls asleep holding the journal close to her heart. Somewhere near by a person screams. Cannon sounds.

Deadlox has slain Chimneyswift11!

Deadlox POV

                Deadlox glances down at Chimney’s still contorted body. “Bastard, going to sneak up on her and rape her huh? Well to bad for you, I wouldn’t let you.” He chuckles darkly. He looks through the bushes at Pastels sleeping form. He sighs and walks into the circle of light that she made with torches. He looks at her dark brown hair splayed around her; he notices she didn’t have on a blanket. She was shivering in her sleep; Deadlox pulls out a blanket and places it over her shivering body.

“How sweet Deadlox.” Someone says quietly from in the tree next to him. He glances up into the branches. LemonZephyr lays catlike in the tree, long black hair with purple highlights hanging down her sides. “Didn’t know you cared. Oh wait! I did” she grins playfully and swings down from the branch. Deadlox looks at her suspiciously. She’s wearing light blue spaghetti strap shirt, dark gray shorts, and Nike shoes.  Her dark skin glows with a faint light from her white tattoos that swirl up her arms and up around her neck.

“You care why Lemon” Deadlox spits “I broke up with me a long time ago.”

“Oh my dear Deadlox, I never got my Revenge on you. Maybe I should kill her just for fun?” She says practically purring.

“You wouldn’t dare.” He hisses.

“I do dare Deadlox I do. You just wait.” She smiles evilly before stepping into the shadows and disappearing from view.

Muttering Deadlox says “Not before I kill her.” He turns around and see’s Pastel pointing an arrow at him.

POV Pastel

“In your dreams.” I mutter letting the arrow shoot into his chest, I fire again hitting him in the forehead. “Sweet dreams Deadlox.” Cannon sounds.

Pastel has slain Deadlox!

                I glance down at his body looking for anything that might allow him to return, I grab his headphones and take my off and replaces them. He was dressed in a white short sleeve sweater with gray bands on the end of the sleeves. He had purple wrist bands, a black and green headset, purple and black Nike’s, brown hair and red eyes. I almost felt sad for putting on the headphones, but I shook my head.

                I can’t have anymore PvP players talking to me. I sigh. I’m going to have a hard time sleeping. I lean down and close Deadlox’s eyes. Taking the blanket he had placed on me, I cover his body. The sun was rising in the sky so I packed up my torches and was about to head out when I felt the ground shake. I looked behind me and saw the ground crack open and Deadlox’s body fall into the whole. It continued to spread. I yelled in fright dashing of away from the slowly growing fissure. Dodging branches and rocks I hopped up onto a block of stone then jumped the 2 square distances to a tree limb. Cannon sounds.

LemonZephyr has slain Xephos!

                I began jumping from tree to tree; the fissure steadily grew behind her forcing me to continue to forward. There was no time to stop to breath, it was either move forward and live, or stop and die. An arrow zoomed past me nicking my leg; I glance to the side and saw man. He was a fairly tall, muscular man. He had a full black suit and was wearing a golden amulet, (similar to Sky’s) which had a purple cube in it and was on a white chain. He was wearing blue fingerless gloves and red shoes. He had black eyes black hair and a small moustache and beard. I shuddered; this was the Player standing next to me at the beginning of the games.

AntVenom wishes to voice chat. Do you accept?” a robotic voice in my headset spoke.

“I accept” I replied barely breathing in enough to answer.

Sorry about the arrow. I was trying to get your attention.” AntVenom says as he jumped to a tree closer to me. “I want to make an alliance. You’ve lasted long enough that I thought we might make a good team.” He spoke panting slightly and glancing over shoulder to look at the fissure. “Duck!” he yelled as a fireball came hurtling towards me. I rolled to my left and fell of the edge of the tree my hand holding onto the edge. I screamed.

“Help me!” I screamed at AntVenom. He made a U-turn dodging fireballs, and went to grab my hand. “Venom.” He looked at me. I take of my bag carefully, removed the helmet, glasses, headset and medallion. I place them on the tree. I look up into Venoms black eyes. “Write in the diary, run.” I mouth. my hand slipped and I fell into the fissure.

 I saw Venom mouth the words “I will Pastel.” Then the blackness swallowed me up… Cannon sounds.

Pastel tried to cliff jump but broke her neck.

There will be more~ one final part ^^ (even though no one is reading this u_u)

Survival Games book 1: Pastels TaleWhere stories live. Discover now