First Day!

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Riley's POV:

"Ugh... Dad i dont want to go to school!" I yelled across the house. "You have to, I worked really hard for you to go to Hamilton!" He replied angrily. "Okay fine ill go, but only if we get to hang out after school like you promised?" I asked. "Of coarse honey now get your backpack ill take you to school." He said. The whole drive to school was boring. I guess the only thing i liked about it was that me and my dad listened to the beetles.

Dad's POV:

"Have a good day at school Riley. Ill be here to pick you up after school!" I said. "Okay dad love you!" Riley said then blew a kiss.

Riley's POV:

I walked into the school and there are so many people here, and for a private school you wouldnt think that there would be so many!

(Time skip lunch)

Riley's POV:

Oh great! Lunch time, my mortal enemy! Last year at my old school i always sat alone, and the food tasted like crap!
As i walked past a table full of a group of girls... "Hey you!" Jennifer called to me. "Me?" I replied. "Um duh! I am looking at you arent I?" She replied in a snobby tone. "If you go anywhere near MY bestfriend... It will be the end of you! You understand?" Litterally on cue a emo-ish looking girl walked up to her. "Who said I was YOUR bestfriend Jennifer?" She replied. "Whatever, lets go girls!" Jennifer responded as her and her friends stormed off.
"Hey! Thanks for saving me back there." I said nervously. "I got you sis. Oh and whats your name, maybe we can hang some time." She responded with a smirk. She wants MY name! Im actually going to hang out with someone. Im going to have a friend! FINALLY!
"Oh! My name is Riley! You?" "Ryan." She said. "That kinda..." I was cut off by Ryan. "I know i have a guys name. But its chill cause my mom always loved the name, but she never had a son!" She quickly responded. "Oh sorry! I guess ive never met a girl with a guys name before." I said. "Its chill! Well i got to go, the bell is about to ring. See you around Riley!" She said while running towards her locker.

Authors note:
Thank you so much for reading the first chaper of my book Alone Time Is Over?
Please, i advise you keep reading as i go. Trust me the book gets way better! Anyways i hope you enjoyed!
Peace ✌

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