Telling it All

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It had been 4 days since Talon and I ended things and I didn't know exactly how I felt. On one hand I was happy to finally be rid of the negative energy he had brought into my life, but on the other hand I was completely and utterly miserable without him. Even though he was an ass, I missed his presence. I couldn't stop thinking about all of those years we had spent together. It was all for nothing, and I think that was the worst part.

     Shane finally moved in with my brother. He didn't have everything unpacked yet, but he did get the bed set up in the corner of the apartment. I still had to talk about why I was staying with Matt and I figured that today was the day.

Shane was in the kitchen making some scrambled eggs. When I walked in, I sat down at the table and he turned around and smiled.

"Hey! Do you want some eggs," he asked.

"If you have enough, I would love some, thanks," I replied.

He nodded and turned back to his skillet full of eggs. I didn't know how to start the conversation we were about to have.

I took a deep breath in and said, "I had a boyfriend." I cringed the moment I said it, knowing that it was a stupid way to start.

Shane didn't turn around, but he said back, "I didn't know that."

"Yeah, we, uh- we broke up about 4 days ago. You know, the day I crashed over here. He kicked me out and-"

Before I could finish, Shane turned around and looked at me, dropping the whisk onto the counter. "Tana, I'm so sorry-"

"It's fine, really. It's just... It was four years of my life that I spent with that asshole. Four years! And it came out of no where, I just..." I began to tear up, but I stopped myself. I was not about to cry. I couldn't even look at Shane, but I knew that he would have a sympathetic glance if I did.

"Tana, I'm so sorry."

I sighed, knowing that him being nice to me was just going to make me crumble even more. "I just- I thought I should let you know. Since I'm, you know, staying here and all."

Shane inhaled deeply and I could hear his footsteps walking towards where I was. "Thank you for letting me know. Whoever this guy is, he sounds like a complete ass. You deserve better than that, Tana."

I wonder how badly he wanted to continue that sentence on. Maybe he didn't want to, but I am okay in living in ignorant bliss if I subconsciously felt like he wanted to tell me more. Because maybe I wanted him to say something after that.

Instead, we just walked over to the couch and started watching a random game show that was playing.

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