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Hash tags help spread the word about your story. With one click, you can find every story labeled with #everlark or #fourtris and go through story's you want to read until your hearts content. This makes it easier to find a story, so you don't have to go through all of fanfiction just to find a hunger games one. Tags are more specific then categories. Instead of just "Romance" it's now "youngromance" or "forbiddenromance". You can even make tags specific just to you, like I use #rarretty as a combination between Garrett and Rosey my characters from Burning Out.

Or, like this club and things like "Tay Gets The Gay" you can have a tag used throughout your organization. Member of your club can tag their story in order to spread the word. We use #youngwritersclub ,  so that people can read awesome books written by writers under 18 with one click. Tay Gets The Gay uses #taygetsthegay for the same reason, to spread the word about their club and LGBT Fiction.

By Brooke @cookie3770 and Mari @imaginaryfriends


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