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I'm standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down into the water. Into the depths of the Undersea. The cool breeze kisses my skin and disrupts my hair ever so slightly. It's a long way down to the surface of the water, but my gaze travels to the west a bit where the waves are crashing softly against the rocks.

While my head is turned, a hand snakes around my waist from the other side, and it startles me. I already know it's Cardan. I look sideways at him and grin. He's smirking back at me, proud of himself for sneaking up on me yet again. He pulls me closer to him and I wrap my arms around his waist as we both look out at the sun setting over the horizon.

"It's time." I say to him after a long silence.

"Mmm." He says, and squeezes me tighter.

I twist in his arms to gaze up at his face, my back to the water. "It's going to be fine. I've taken all the precautions."

He looks down at me then, and a wicked grin creeps onto his serious face.

"Oh, I know. I'm not worried about you." He says.

I smack his chest. "Thanks a lot."

He grabs my hand and kisses my fingers. "I'm worried about me."

"You?" I scoff.  "What do you have to be worried about? I'm the one—"

He cuts me off with a quick kiss. "I'm worried about me, because I'll be bored out of my mind while you're away."

It was my turn to grin at him. His words make me feel warm all over, and I have to agree that while this short separation will be dangerous, it will also be extremely inconvenient for both of us. We've finally fallen into a routine together, and this will definitely interrupt it. But it has to be done. And it's only for two or three days at most.

I wrap my arms tight around him and rest my head against his chest. "I'll miss you too."

He huffs out a quiet laugh and runs a hand through my hair and kisses the top of my head.

I pull him down for a kiss before stepping back. I grab his hand and hold onto him until my arms start to stretch. He takes a few steps forward to follow me. I glance at the ground behind me and line my heels up to the edge. A wave of nerves suddenly hits me and I take a deep breath.

"Just like you've practiced." Cardan says to me, not breaking eye contact.

"Right. Just give me a second." I look down at the skin-tight gear wrapped around my body. I check my wrists for my hidden daggers, and my thigh for the emergency potion tucked under the layers there. I smooth my hands over myself to make sure everything is secure. I'm covered head-to-toe in dark blue stretchy material, and my feet have special swimming shoes on that are perfect for both land and water.

Satisfied everything is ready to go, I take a deep breath and reach out for Cardan's hand again. He steps forward and kisses me one last time.

"It's going to be fine." He repeats back to me in a whisper, still holding my face in his hands.

I smile. "I know. Remember what you have to do now."

He nods and takes a step back.

"On three." I say and take another deep breath, glancing behind me one last time. I nod at him.

"One." He starts.

I hesitate and let a long moment pass.

"Two." I finally croak out.

The Mortal Queen | The Cruel Prince / Wicked King FanficWhere stories live. Discover now