Book 2 Intro

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As you know, my name is Maria Kelly and I am the daughter of Sargent Hank Voight of the 21 district. 
My life has not been easy but I don't wallow in it, I have never been one to make a fuss when things don't go my way.
And nothing went my way. 
Until I was a cocaine addicted twelve year old that stumbled into the hands of the biggest gang lord in Chicago, Tyrone - known by his street name TT. 
TT took me in, got me clean, and raised me when my drug addict mother - the person who got me addicted - could not. 
As I grew up I learned how to defend myself, how to get information out of someone unwilling to talk, and how to get answers. I was TT's go to girl to get the information he needed. 
They call me Muchitel - it means Torturer in Bulgarian.
But I never hurt anyone, I never cut off fingers or used cattle prongs or starvation etc that other gangs do. Torturer because that's what I do, just nothing that causes any permanent damage and I never lose. 
I worked as a dancer/singer in a dive bar/club in order to pay for the roof over my mothers head. 

Almost two years ago I had a run in with one of the worst gang lords Chicago has ever seen. 
His name was Dex and he wanted me dead.
You see, I was sent to kill his sister but I couldn't go through with it - I couldn't kill her, I did something much worse. 
I sent her to jail. 
In jail she was killed because of who her brother was. 
Dex wanted my blood and I got help from people I never thought possible. 
I got out of TT's gang and moved back in with my mother who still wasn't better. I thought that if I got out of the gang than maybe he wouldn't come after me. 
But he did, he found me. 
Then my mother overdosed and they called her emergency contact which wasn't me, but two men I had never met. Antonio Dawson and Hank Voight. 
Apparently one of them was my biological father and it took me awhile before I could trust them. 
But eventually I told them everything and I met one of the detectives named Jay Halstead. 
He is the man of my dreams. 
I thought my life was about to get better when I got home one day after my shift and found my mother dead on the living room floor. She had been stabbed to death in our own house. 
I made sure I found who did it and I made them pay. 
With the help of my new found Intelligence family and my father figure TT I found out what Dex's next plan was - it was to kill the only other thing that mattered to me. 
I ran across the city and watched as Dex was about to end his life. 
I couldn't let that happen and I ran in front. I shot my gun and put a bullet between my long time enemies eyes and he put one in me. 
I should have died. 
But I didn't. 
They helped me recover and I had met new friends from Chicago Med and then something that has never happened before happened. 
The tight knit group from Dex's gang approached me. 
Usually in a gang when the leader is killed the second in command takes the lead role. 
Except in this case Dex's second in command bowed to me. 
They made me their new leader. 
But here's the catch. 
I can't help with the Intelligence investigations if I am the leader of a gang but I also couldn't let Chicago's most deadly gang run rapid, so I came to a conclusion. 
I turned the gang into a nonviolence organization. 
It took a lot of work and shots were fired but after almost a year I have gotten things mostly under control. 
We help in food drives and are CI's to my fathers Intelligence unit. 
We try and do the best for our beloved city. 
There are a few members that don't believe in my ethics - especially when we made nice with TT's gang - their long time rivals, but they were dealt with. 
So this is my life, it's messy and tiresome, but overall I wouldn't have changed my hardships if I had the chance. 
My name is Maria Kelly, and this is my story as a newly found woman. 

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