3-Silent drive

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"Simon. Simon listen to me!"

"Lizzie, no. Was it so difficult for you not to make out with any of my friends?"

"Simon you don't understand. He kissed me!"

"yeah. sure"

"Not just that but i had to stop this other bitch who was trying to fuck him even though he's pissed! why don't you believe me?"

"Because i dont want you to get hurt. You're my little sister and i dont trust the Sidemen or my other YouTube mates."

I didnt reply to that for a few minutes.

"Simon I'm not 15."

"I know Liz...but, I'm always gonna be protective over you. I can't help it. I just want you to be okay."

"I get it Simon, but you need to let me be."

We drive in silence for the rest of the way. We pull into the driveway and i realise: What are we gonna do with Harry?

Me and Simon  manage to carry him into the house. we dump him on the sofa and Simon goes to bed without saying anything. I step through the doorway into the hallway, when i hear Harry grunt awake. 

"Lizzie?" He says. I walk back into the living room. "What happened?" Harry asks.

"Well," I start, "You were pissed drunk, and some bitch was trying to get with you, so i yelled at her and..." i stopped.


"And you kissed me and asked me to be your girlfriend."

silence. Harry just...stared at me.

"It's okay Harry. you were drunk i get it."

Harry still didnt say anything.  We're just staring at eachother.

Slowly, Harry leans in and our lips connect.

I could stay like this forever.



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