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"HARRY'S PULLED!"I wake up to.

I open my eyes and feel arms around me. Wait...FUCK. I jump up immediately to see Harry lying on the sofa nd JJ jumping about the living room.

I whisper-yell immediately "JJ SHUT THE FUCK UP! Simon's gonna kill me!"JJ stops. "Besides nothing even happened" I say, looking down.

"Sorry Liz..." JJ says.

JJ is great. I've known him since i was young because him and Simon have been great friends for a long time. But sometimes he just doesnt know his boundaries. As this is all happening Harry wakes up.He sits up with a grunt. Before he can say anything i run upstairs.

Harry POV

I wake up to see JJ just sort of...standing there and Lizzie running out of the room. I then realise i have no shirt on.

"JJ what the fuck happened"

"Well I'm assumin you know that last night we went to a bar," JJ explained, "Well Simon told me this mornin that some bitch tried to get with you, Lizz stopped her, then you kissed Lizz and then I found you two here, on the sofa. and you have no shirt on" shit i thought.

"Nothing even happened, JJ" I explained, "Do you know why she ran off?"

"Yeah...sorry bout that" JJ replied looking down.

"JJ what'd you do?" I shouted covering my face with my hands.

"Well...i kinda saw you here and started shouting 'Harry's pulled'..."

"JJ!" I shout. He shrugs apologetically and i go up the stairs.

I get to the hallway upstairs and bump into Simon.#

"Harry, why was Lizzie running upstairs still in her dress? and why are you shirtless?" He pauses "Wait...Harry you didnt..."

"No! No we didnt! I promise! I dot know what happened! I just woke up to JJ jumping about the living room!" I defend myself.

"I'll go talk to her" Simon says.

Lizzie POV

I sit on my bed. I'm not sure why i flipped out and ran upstairs. I know nothing happened. We just ended up cuddling...

Simon walks in.

"Hey Liz...Are you okay?"

"Yeah Si I'm ok"

"So...do you know what happened?"

"What? With Harry?" Simon nodded, "Nothing!Nothing happened! He was drunk so i stayed with him!"

"Okay...Anyway, we need to film a video today, can you help?" Simon asks.

"Yeah sure!" I reply

I change into a casual outfit and get ready to help the boys.

I head downstairs and go into the living room

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I head downstairs and go into the living room. The boys just want me to help film, which i don't mind. I used to help Simon film when he was at home.

They were filming a Q&A for the channel, I just had to read out the questions.

"Hello! and welcome to this week's video Ladies and Gentlemen!" Ethan begins.

"We're doin a Q&A. That's it" Tobi says.

"Also Simon's sister's here." JJ adds.

"Say hello to the people Lizzie"Simon finishes.

"Hello people" I say from behind the camera.

They finish off their intro and i read out the first question.

"This question is for Simon, 'MillyMinterX3' asks, 'Simon, will you marry me?' Starting off strong. Perfect" The boys start laughing as Simon just sort of sits there.

"ummm...considering the fact that I have a girlfriend, no." He answers.

"Ok question 2..."

Throughout filming i notice that Harry sometimes sort of stares at me, then looks away quite a lot. I choose to ignore it.

"Ok, Final question, 'Emma544 asks 'How many of the Sidemen are single?"

Harry, JJ, Vik and Tobi raise their hands.

"Ladies..." I say from behind the camera. JJ winks and the boys burst into laughter. I did notice that JJ didn't just wink at the camera, but at me. I choose to ignore that as well.

We finish filming and i go upstairs to my room. I sit with my back to the headboard of my bed and start filming my first video in my new house.

(Quick A/N I wasnt sure what i wanted Lizzie's channel to actually be like, so imagine a bit of mix between: dodie, bambinobecky and willne. Bit of an odd mix but oh wellll- Rowan)

I get out my ukulele (I KNOW SHE'S BASIC DONT BE ANGRY WITH ME) and set up my camera onto my bed. I had always had a passion for music, so i decided to use my YouTube channel as a way of sharing it with the world. Before i start filming,i step into the hallway and shout, "I'M FILMING SO SHUT UP!".

I film a cover of 'Burned Out' by dodie clark, then 'House of Gold' by twenty one pilots.

I usually sing very sad or emotional songs. I'm not sure why. But i don't plan on stopping.

I stop my camera and get off my bed. I walk out the door and bump into Simon.

"Hey Liz! two things! One, can you cook tonight? Two, I know you don't like people hearing you sing when you're filming, but you were kinda loud and...we all heard you..."

"A," I reply, "Yes, I can cook but for how many people? B, Shit."

Simon told me that i was cooking for everyone but Josh and Ethan, who were at their girlfriends' house.

I walk downstairs,ready to be bombarded with comments about my singing, but instead...

"You better be as good at cooking as Simon says you are, Z" JJ says, pointing at me.

"Z?" i ask, "That's new."

JJ just looks at me, smirks and winks. He has been acting a bit strange...

I decide to make Simon's favourite meal that i used to cook for him when our parents were out.

As I was cooking, Harry walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Lizzie...can I help at all?"

"Yeah! Thanks Harry, Can you cut the carrot over there?"

He agrees and walks to the other side of the kitchen and we talk about or childhood and families. He has 2 siblings, a sister and a brother, Josh and Rosie.

"You know," I tell him, "I have notived that Rosie gets commented on a lot for being fit. I mean JJ literally even called her a sket in his disstrack. Just cause she's good looking."

Harry laughs. "I'm used to it, and so is she. But hey at least i know what Simon feels like"

I look at him a bit confused.

"Well you know," He says, "You're pretty attractive. You do know that Simon gets the same sort of comments on the videos of his that you're in right?"

I'm shocked. I didn't realise.

"Really?" i ask him, surprised, "Simon never told me!"

"Well you can't blame him. I wouldn't tell Rosie that strangers on the internet want to shag her if she didn't already know."

I don't reply.

This was a long chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! I don't have much to say today.

Have a good day- Rowan

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