Broken Reality Super Freak Chapter 3!

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Broken Reality Super Freak
Chapter 3
Created April 5 2019
Created By The Warrior Mind Drifter

Iron- Life is a war. Everyday a war is happening.
It happens rather you realize it or not.
You are either killing or murdering or having
It done to you.

Cage- Life is a war I'm prepared for now.

Iron- You think so.

Cage- I know so.

Iron- That's surely what it takes. The knowing.
The confidence. You can't have no doubts.
No matter how ready you are for a battle
you won't win it when you have doubt.

Cage- Yeah.

Iron- It's all good. Immortals have nothing
to fear anyways. We live through it all. We
endure everything. The war is the
entertainment of a life that is enjoyed.

Cage- I can tell you love it.

Iron- It's the only thing that keeps me
going. I have to protect Myra.

Cage- I see. Nothing wrong with
protecting home.

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