Broken Reality Super Freak Chapter 4!

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Broken Reality Super Freak!
Chapter 4
Created April 5 2019
Created By The Warrior Mind Drifter

Jake- The world the planets the universe
all is aligned. Everything is connected.
A line connected to all.

Cage- What are you doing?

Jake- Push ups.

Cage- No. No. I mean what are you
talking about?

Jake- Oh. Nothing really. Just going
over the only important thing in life.

Cage- What's that?

Jake- Don't think feel.

Cage- Hmm...

Jake- You are already connected
to it all.

Cage- Oh. I see.

Jake- The smell in the air. The joy
coming rushing in out of nowhere.
The vibration in this place flowing
all around you. The life. The source.

Cage- That explains it. It's only right
here though. It's only close to you.

Jake- Is that the only place you feel

Cage- Yeah. You see when I stand
right here it's gone. I don't feel
anything but what I normally

Jake- That's too bad. Hmmm...
The more you work on it the
more you will feel it everywhere.
It's all around us all the time.

Cage- Is that what keeps you going?

Jake- It is. The greatest thing ever.
The mating call. The sex beyond.
The gathering and the connection.
I'm all worked up.

Cage- I see.

Jake- It was nice seeing you but
I got to get going. Things are going
down. You just keep on gathering.

I am Mind Drifter the warrior of unconditional love.
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