Broken Reality Super Freak Chapter 16!

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Broken Reality Super Freak
Chapter 16
Created April 5 2019
Created By The Warrior Mind Drifter

Lust- Why are you here?

Zombie- To have a drink with my
friends and talk about my failures.

Lust- This is odd.

Zombie- Maybe. You know I
put up a bird in the sky to
destroy the earth under it
and yet there are still many
walking outside at this moment.
That was a heck of a failure.

Lust- I see.

Zombie- I put some things
I should say in that there
water and yet those that
drink it still walk away happily.
That was a heck of a failure.

Lust- Sounds like you been

Zombie- Not busy enough you
see. It seems them over there
just really might be immortal.

Lust- Are you asking me?

Zombie- Nope not asking anything.
Just pointing out that I love my work
you see. It's funny cause even though
I do all these things they never die
until they kill themselves.
They of course blame me for it all
though when I can't even kill them.

Lust- I see.

Zombie- In the beginning there
was perspective. That's the real
one you see. So many different
ways to see one thing that all
things begin to murder themselves.
There is a door for every door and
the only thing needed is to walk
through it.

Lust- Are you trying to play me?

Zombie- Nope. Just looking
at my friends differently.

Hara- Hmm...

Hate- You say a lot behind
a glass.

Danny- Hmm..

Iron- Come at me anytime you

Zombie- I guess we better get
started again then.

Iron- Make my day.

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Come join us for a word of unconditional love.

Broken Reality Super Freak April 5  2019!Where stories live. Discover now