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I feel something tight around my wrists and feet. I begin to freak out. Whatever it was it was binding my hands together and rubbing against my wrists and was extremely painful. I open my eyes and realize that something was covering them. I began struggling against the restraints around my arms but this only made my wrists sting more. Tears began to stream down my face. I heard a door slam shut and immediately tensed. A voice spoke glad your awake Brendan.

I must have jumped a mile high. I recognized that voice from somewhere but couldn't quite place it. I felt a hand on my shoulder and began shaking. I heard a different voice say stop it your scaring him. I recognized that voice it was Banks. The piece of tape was ripped off my mouth and I began gasping. The other voice said sorry it was better fast then slow. I was still gasping for breath as the blindfold was slowly removed. Standing in front of me was Ricegum and Banks. I gasped out why did you guys kidnap me.

I was still struggling for breath as Banks replied where really sorry about that we didn't expect you to freak out, we were trying to prank Logan, are you alright though. I stutter out need puffer, I got asthma, it's in my backpack. Ricegum runs out of the room as Banks begins to untie my wrists. Tears stream down my cheeks as I rub my wrists that are bruised with skin having been rubbed off. Banks said I'm so sorry about this Brendan we should have thought about how you'd react.

Rice ran back into the room and handed me my inhaler. I used my inhaler trying to breath in as deep as I possibly could. My phone began buzzing from my pocket and Rice sneered give it over. I pass him my phone not even bothering to check the caller ID. He laughs and answers my phone putting it on speaker. I hear Marks voice say Brendan I swear if you do anything stupid. I go to say something to cut Mark off before he said something but Rice covers my mouth with duck tape. Thankfully Rice cuts him off and says oh hi Mark.

Mark yells Brendan who was that. Rice laughs why don't we switch to face time. Rice ties my hands back up and I scream in pain. Due to the duck tape it came out sounding very weird. I heard Mark ask what was that. Rice laughed that was your friend. Mark said who are you and what have you done with him you monster. I watched as Rice switched to FaceTime and Marks face appeared. Mark shouted Byran what have you done. Rice laughed well me and Ricky kidnapped Brendan and if you want him back alive you'll get Logan to meet me and no cops or he'll die instantly.

I began shaking and soon heard Banks whisper in my ear don't worry he's just putting it on to scare Logan and Mark he doesn't mean it. Rice hung up on Mark and began running his fingers over my face. This terrified me and I struggled against the rope on my arm. Rice laughed and said your hot when your scared. Banks sneered what the hell are you doing Byran, he looks scarred out of his wits. Rice steeped back from me and then walked out of the room.

Tears rolled down my face as I struggled against the ropes trying to get free. Banks put his hand on my knee and said stop struggling I'll undo the ropes for you. I tried to move away from him but was stopped by the restraints. I threw my head back and sobbed letting my emotions take over. Banks began removing the ropes from my wrist when he suddenly stopped and said Brendan I'm going to untie you completely and then were going for a drive alright. I nod and he finished removing the ropes.

Banks helped me up and let me remove the duck tape from my mouth. I removed the tape and grabbed my inhaler before letting Banks lead me through the house. We came across Ricegum in the kitchen and he asked where are you guys going. Banks made gestures towards Rice and his eyes went wide as he stared at me. I stuttered what and Rice said I'm so sorry Brendan. I glanced at him confused as he left the room. Banks turned to me and said Brendan I know I'm not your friend but if you're struggling with anything please, please speak up. Cause me and Rice, we dont want you hurt.

I cried please don't tie me up again, I will pay you not to if thats what it takes. Banks nodded towards me and said okay we won't tie you up. I smiled towards Banks and mumbled thanks. The doorbell rang and Rice yelled that would be Logan. I turned to Banks and said thanks for helping me, if I'm honest I was so bloody terrified and you helped calm me down. Banks walked me to the front door and said you can come here whenever you please, your always welcome. I nod and mumbled thanks.

When we reached the front door, Rice was already there loudly arguing with Logan. Logan yelled Bryan you took this prank war way too far. Rice said give me my goddamn car back. Logan throws the car keys toward Rice and snarled your such a douche.

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