Story 3

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I stepped back as he moved his hands forwards towards my arm that wasn't holding the camera. I moved my hand away from his and let the tears run down my face. He took another step towards me so I stepped back again and ran into the wall. He grips onto my stomach and pushes himself into me. I try to move away but his hands prevent me from moving anywhere. He runs a hand through my hair and then grabs my ass with the other. I try once more to move away but he pushes me into the wall causing my head to smash against the wall. I slide down the wall in an effort to stop the pain and his advances. He sits on top of me and I try and push him off with my free hand. He begins to kiss my face and I keep my mouth closed making sure not to open it at any point. He grips my hair and pulls it back while holding my jaw. My mouth flies open and he uses this as an opportunity to slip his tongue in. Whilst he's still kissing me I can feel his hands unbuttoning my jeans. I try and get away but he's sitting on top of me so I never had a chance. I can feel the tears running down my face and know there's no way I can stop whats about to happen. He begins to pull on my jeans trying to pull them off when the door bell rings. He finally takes his mouth away from mine and stands up. I quickly stand up and do my jeans back up before following him to the door camera still in hand and recording.

He swings open the door and standing on the other side is Logan and Mark who are both holding cameras. Logan screams holy fuck Brendan, what the hell happened to you. George laughs and says we were planning a prank that we never got to finish setting up because you guys arrived early. I know I must look horrible as I have blood all over on of my hands and I'm sure it's all over my face and shirt too. I'm still crying and I feel a piece of shit. Logan says guys I just have to talk with Brendan about a few things make yourselves at home I'll be in my room. Logan grabs my hand and I pull it away knowing that if he wants to do something like George did I'm going to need that hand to fight him off. I follow him up to his room where he asks what really happened Brendan. I reply me and George were planning a prank on you. Logan pulls me into his bathroom and says fine don't tell me the truth but lets get this blood off you. I look in the mirror and see blood running down the back of my neck and covering the back of my shirt. There is blood stained on my face with tear tracks running down and splatters of blood all over the front of my shirt. There was blood covering my hand and blood streaks running down my other arm. Even the camera had blood on it.

I bury my face into Logan's chest and just break down into tears. He holds me as I cry and whispers it will be alright Brendan, what happened. I hand him his camera and and he seems to understand what I mean. He pulls out the SD card and slips it into his pocket before placing a new SD card inside. He sat me on the edge of the bath and said Brendan take off your shirt. I shook my head and he said please I just want to make sure your not in pain. I shake my head again and he says okay I won't. He runs his hand over the back of my neck and says Brendan how the hell did this happen. I stay silent as he whispers Brendan you have a gash on the back of your neck that is like three inches long. He grabs a hand towel and wets it before bringing it to my neck and wiping the blood off. He turns to me and asks Brendan did George do this to you. I didn't respond and instead just cried into his shoulder. Logan looked furious and patted my shoulder before getting up and leaving the room.

I heard Logan walk downstairs and then his voice screamed George get out of my house. I could hear muffled voices speak and then Logan yell now. I heard the front door slam shut. Logan ran back into the room and says I kicked George out but Marks still here is that alright. I nod and he says Brendan we should get you to the hospital. I shake my head and he finishes cleaning my face up. He cleans my arm and my hand before saying please Brendan can you take your shirt off so I can make sure that your alright. I shook my head and stuttered no. Logan nods and says okay don't worry I won't make you do anything you don't want to. Logan then throw me a shirt and said you might want to have a shower to fully wash off the blood, there's a clean towel in the cupboard under the sink. He left the room and I just broke down crying. I removed my shirt and let it fall to the floor. I took the rest of my clothes off and stepped into the shower and turned the water on. I shivered under the coolness of the water and let the water roll down my back. The tears continued to spill from my eyes as pain exploded from my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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