Story 2

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The ringing of the doorbell made all conversations in the room seise. Who ever was at the door was pressing it over, and over again. Shane got up and went to answer his front door. The person on the other side of the door loudly panted is Jake here. Shane nodded and said is it important, were kind of in the middle of something. The voice begged please can I see him. Jake ran from behind Shane and embraced the man in a hug. Jake asked what happened Brendan, what did they do to you.

Brendan sobbed into Jakes arms and stuttered I'm so weak, why do I let them control me. Jake said you're not weak, you're one of the strongest people I know. Shane still stood in the doorway shook at the events unfolding in front of him. Jake wiped the tears off Brendan's face and said please don't cry Brendan and tell me what happened. Brendan hung onto Jake for dear life as he stuttered It's my fault I should have let him in. Jake rubbed Brendan's back and whispered you need to tell the cops.

Brendan started freaking out and pleaded no Jake please don't, I know you mean well but please don't. Jake ran his hand through Brendan's hair and said don't worry I won't do anything that you don't want me to. Shane asked from the doorway do you both want to come inside and have a drink or something. Jake took Brendan's hand and whispered come on Brendan it will be okay Shane's nice and no one in there will hurt you I promise. Brendan eyes were red and puffy, his hair was messed up and he was obviously uncomfortable being in this house.

Brendan had only stepped a few feet into the house before stopping and staring at all the people on the couch. There was four people sitting on the couch just staring at him. Brendan buried his face into Jake's neck and Jake just embraced him in a hug. Jake whispered lets go into the kitchen and get a drink. Brendan mumbled an okay so Jake led them to the kitchen where Shane was. Jake said Shane this is Brendan my brothers videographer. Shane said well it's great to meet you Brendan.

Brendan glanced at Shane and said sorry I showed up on your doorstep crying I would understand if you wanted me to leave. In that moment Shane felt his heartbreak. Brendan voice sounded like he was broken. It was the saddest voice Shane had ever heard and felt horrible because something bad had obviously happened to upset him this much. Shane replied I don't mind stay for as long as you need.

Jake passed Brendan a glass of water and said I'm really sorry Brendan but I have to stay and finish this video with Shane. I'm sure he won't mind you being here and then we can talk afterwards. Shane smiled I don't mind if you stay but Jake you can go if you need to, I'll understand. Brendan spoke up no he promised you this I can't just come in and take him from you, I'll just wait outside. Shane replied we might be a while you can stay inside. Brendan shook his head and said I'll just wait outside.

Brendan walked from the kitchen and out the front door. He sat up against a wall near the pool and tucked his legs close to his chest and buried his face into his knees. Someone walked over and slid down next to Brendan. The voice said your Brendan North aren't you. Brendan didn't bother looking up and nodded but stayed silent. The voice said well it's great to meet you I'm Andrew Siwiki. Brendan looked up to see Andrew holding his hand out for him to shake. Brendan held his hand out although he was visibly shaking.

They shook hands and Brendan said nice to meet you. Andrew said come on inside its cold out here. Brendan shook his head and said I'm fine out here. Andrew said come on in Brendan there's no point you being out in the cold when you can easily just hang out in a warm house. Brendan said I'm sure no one in there likes me. Andrew put a hand on Brendan's shoulder and said well you seem like a great guy and I'm sure they like you, plus your absolutely amazing taking photos so blow them away with your skills.

Andrew put his arm around Brendan and they walked back into the house. As they walked in Jakes jaw dropped open and he gasped he was soon overcome with happiness and a grin was plastered on his face. Shane said glad you boys have finally decided to grace us with your presence. Garrett said how come the two cameramen had to be outside, I ended up having to film and you know I can't even hold the camera straight. Andrew laughs and grin at Brendan. Andrew then smirked I did it on purpose you know. Garrett just rolled his eyes in response.

Garrett handed Andrew the camera and said you can have this back. Andrew groaned Garrett you smudged the lens how did you even manage that. Garrett put his hands up and said it wasn't me, I swear. Andrew shook his head and Shane sighed children lets get back on with the filming. Andrew cleaned his lens and and set everything up for the shot. Jake sat down next to Shane and as they began talking Andrew starts filming. Brendan sat down as close to them as he could without being in the shot.

Garrett walked over and sat down next to Brendan. Garrett began studying Brendan's face. Brendan was too busy watching what was going on to the other side of him that he didn't even notice what Garrett was doing. Garrett went to put an arm around Brendan when Jake gave him a look and said I wouldn't do that if I was you. Garrett pulled his hand back to his side as Brendan spun his head around. Brendan got up and walked into the kitchen. Brendan stood against a wall in the kitchen visibly shaking.

Garrett walked into the kitchen to find Brendan using his phone. Garrett went and stood next to Brendan and asked why'd you walk off. Brendan stepped away and said didn't want to be there anymore. Brendan continued looking at his phone as Garrett asked so are you and Jake a thing. Brendan shook his head and said neither of us are gay. Garrett stuttered oh you guys just seemed really close and he's not dating Erika anymore. Brendan stayed quiet and didn't bother responding to Garrett.

Garrett stepped towards Brendan and put a hand on his shoulder. Brendan pushed him away and said don't touch me. Garrett stood there looking shocked as Jake yelled back I warned you Garrett, you should have listened. Brendan walked out of the kitchen and Jake embraced him in open arms. Jake said I'm finished now do you want to have that talk now. Brendan nodded and they both walked out of the house. Jake said I'll be back to pick up my stuff later. They walked off towards the road together.

Shane said the poor guy, I wonder what happened to make him that sad. Garrett said he obviously doesn't like being touched. Ryland laughs Jake did warn you. Garrett said well Andrew was touching him so I just thought he wouldn't do anything bad. Shane asks yeah Andrew how were you able to touch him. Andrew shrugs and Shane says do you think he's alright. Morgan shook her head and said something really horrible happened to him and something bad obviously went on today.

Shane says well Jakes obviously knows whats going on. Ryland laughs you could make a documentary on Brendan himself. Shane laughs that would be shocking. Andrew says he would never agree to that, and it would be mean making him go through that. Shane smirks Andrew I don't plan on doing it but think of the views, the secret stories of Logan Pauls videographer. Andrew laughed no videographers going to want to be the main star of any video. Shane smirked yeah there's no way he'd agree to any of it.

Jake put his arm around Brendan and asked what happened Brendan. Brendan cried he did it again, why can't he just leave me the hell alone. Jake said why don't you quit or get your own place. Brendan cried you know I don't have enough money and it would just make him angry if I moved out. Jake said I wish that if I gave you a job you could get away from him. Brendan said I wish I could just move to Wyoming or something. Jake said no you don't there's nothing to take photos of out there. Brendan replied I could take photos of horses and dirt roads.
Jake turned to Brendan and said lift up your sleeves. Brendan shook his head and said there's no point its to dark to see anything and you already know I've cut my arms. Jake stops and says come on Brendan you have to stop before it gets too far. Brendan stutters I've been in darker places in my life before and have always survived. Jake replies Brendan I'm just worried about you, you matter to me. Brendan gave him a slight smile and said thanks for caring Jake. Jake smiled happy to be here for you.

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