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Tamaki Suoh was shivering in excitement as he stared down at the sparkling water. He was standing on top of a large rock, breeze flowing pleasantly through his golden locks. He was always happy to be in his best friend, Kyoya Ootori's private beach. The weather always seemed perfect whenever he was here, like it was designed especially for them. Never too hot, never too windy, just... perfect.

And that's what he desired, because perfect was all he needed. What filthy rich teenager didn't want things to be perfect?

"Hey, you guys!" He shouted, getting the attention of his friends down below, "Look up here! The breeze feels amazing!"

"Be careful, Tama-chan!" Mitsukuni Haninozuka shouted back up at his friend, bursting into a fit of giggles as he splashed around in the shallow end of the beach.

The boy on the rock just nodded and kicked his legs happily, watching the tide.

Meanwhile, way under the sea, Haruhi Fujioka was swimming happily while humming a soft tune to herself. She brushed a strand of her long brown hair away from her face as she reached her room. It wasn't anything interesting, just a coral reef hidden inside a small house constructed out of seashell chips, which was prettier than it sounded.

She placed her book down next to her table and collapsed into her sea sponge bed (which was very comfortable) and decided to catch up with her reading. Eventually, after a long day she fell asleep with her school uniform still on, the open book resting on her face.

Then she heard a loud scream from the surface and woke up, what's going on?

Haruhi found curiosity a ridiculous thing and decided not to do anything. She leaned back down on her pillow and decided to get some rest.

"Tama-chan!" A voice shouted, and now the brunette was more irritated than curious. She was tired and needed to tell whoever it was to shut up.

Looking out her window, the mermaid gasped at what she saw.

A man... a handsome man sinking down into the ocean. Instantly, she swam towards him and grabbed him in her arms, swimming up until she reached the shore. She looked up for a moment to see a crowd of shocked faces, "Move back!" She ordered.

They did so.

The brunette placed the man on the sand and pressed her lips against his, blowing air into his mouth and pressing down on his chest.

After five compressions the blonde spit out water and looked around, "Wha- what happened?"

"You fell down..." Hunny said, tearing up a bit and running in for a hug.

"No." Haruhi said, "Get away." She hoisted herself up onto the sand, revealing a light blue tail, "Can't you see he's wounded?"

"You're a... a... "

"Care to finish any of those sentences?" She sighed when she realized that she didn't have her medical kit with her. How stupid was she?

Instead, she tore a section off her uniform and dabbed at his head wound with it gently.

"You're a... a mermaid."

"And you're an idiot." She scolded, "What were you thinking? You're lucky that you aren't dead." She shot a glare to his friends, "And you guys should have gotten him down from there. How stupid are you, seriously?"

"I warned Tama-chan though..."

"A warning isn't the same now, isn't it?" She shouted, making all of them flinch.

"There, you should be fine, but I would still get that checked out. Don't do anything that ridiculous again. I'm not going to be here twenty-four seven you know."

"Thank you for saving him, Merma-chan."

"Merma...? Ha!" She burst into a fit of small giggles, "That's not my name."

"Then what is your name?"

"It's..." Noticing the time, she then panicked, "Let's just call me Merma-chan for now, alright? Take care of him." She smiled, swimming back down into the water.

"But..." Tamaki shouted, finally finding his voice.

The whole group stared out to the sea, eventually forced to move when the sun began to set. They hoisted Tamaki up and walked him out.

Even Kyoya, the most the logical one of the group, couldn't explain this.


One year later-

A certain blond-haired teenager was walking down the same beach he had last year with his newly betrothed, Ms. Éclair Tonnerre. She hated the beach, because it meant walking on her bare feet "like a commoner." The trip was supposed to be a surprise, but it had simply blown up in his face. He had never met someone so particularly... dare he say snobbish in his life. The marriage wasn't his choice, of course, but his Grandmother's.

"What is it, Tamaki?"

He lifted his head up, "I was just... wondering something. Will you be happy with me, when we're married? Or are you just following orders?"

She just smirked and leaned her head on his shoulder, reaching for his hand.

No, this wasn't real love.

Suddenly an image popped into his mind, one of the mysterious mermaid from not that long ago. He blushed at the thought of her beautiful, round face and blunt attitude. Yes, if only he could be with someone like her, maybe he could be happy.

My Mermaid Princessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें