oh um, I'm gay

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Two days until camp

I woke up on Friday morning with pep in my step and joy in my heart. The last day of school, the best day of the year. I styled my hair, got dressed, then checked my phone. There were quite a few texts.

From Buff: Cy you haven't really talked to me since Monday, everything okay?

Everything was fine. I just didn't have anything to talk to her about

From Andi: hey cy i wanna talk to you about something, it's kinda important lol

Oh? That was strange but I was gonna be there for no matter what.

From Jonah: cy guy, my mom got an e-mail from the camp people. they say our bunk mates are two guys from west burrow, their names are tj and marty. hope that helps you feel not so nervous haha

Wow, that was so nice of him. He's so considerate. Oh my god this summer is going to be rough, I can tell.

To Buff: all good buff, just don't have anything on my chest anymore!

To Andi: okay. is everything fine?

To Jonah: that does help some! let's hope they aren't psychos haha

I switched off my phone and headed downstairs. I didn't have to eat breakfast today because the school was providing all the students with donuts as a celebration.

"Morning mom!" I said to her as I sat down at the counter.

"If you're this excited to get out of school I'm starting to think I should just stop sending you," she said, kicking off our morning banter.

"I would seriously love it if you did, not even joking mom i hate it there. It's basically jail."

"Well you have to learn somehow, now go, you don't want to be late to your release from prison." I smiled at her before walking out the door to pick up buffy and andi one last time in junior year.

I stepped up to Andi's porch and knocked on the door. There was some shuffling and talking inside before she opened the door, she was wearing a cute jumpsuit and sandals. Her outfit beat my jeans and hoodie by a long shot. "You ready for the last day?" I said to her as we walked out of the door.

"Of course, but before we go pick up Buffy can I talk to you about that thing I mentioned earlier." She asked, almost scared.

"Yeah, shoot."

"Okay," she paused for a deep breath, "I want to ask you if you've talked to Amber ever since she had to move in freshman year? I've been keeping in touch but ever since we signed up for camp a few weeks ago she hasn't texted me at all. I'm worried."

"Well, I talked to her about the same time you did but since then no, i haven't heard anything. Don't worry though, you'll see her at camp."

"okay, I'm just so worried. I hope she's okay." Andi seemed to really care about Amber, it was sweet that they went from enemies to friends like that. The fact that they were such good friends was good for me because as long as Andi didn't have a problem with Amber being gay then she wouldn't mind me either. As that conversation came to a close we rolled up to Buffy's house. Andi went and knocked on the door while I stayed on the sidewalk. Buffy opened the door and looked past Andi straight to me.

"Cyrus did you tell Andi yet?" She whispered very quietly to me.

"No, I'll do it today though." I said back.

"Do you guys think that any of us will have a cliche love story at camp?" Andi suddenly said. "Like, all of the cutest stories of young love always start at a summer camp, do you think any of us could find that?"

twenty-eight days (tyrus) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now