one, two, three

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Day eleven

Tj and I had gotten back to camp at about ten thirty, only a bit after curfew, and managed to not get caught. We made our way back to the cabin quietly and got into bed without waking Jonah or Marty.

It was the third day of water sports and our crew had been assigned to wake boarding. I was not really wanting to go.

"Hey Cy," Tj said to me once we were the only ones in the cabin, "Would you wanna hang out with me today since Madi won't be coming?"

"Wouldn't you want Marty to stay?" I asked, "He is your best friend right?"

"Well yeah but, he seems to really like hanging out with Buffy and I wouldn't want to mess that up for him." He stopped what he was doing and looked directly at me, "Plus I really like hanging out with you." The way he said that, soft, sweet, it made me feel all warm and nice.

"Thanks. I like hanging out with you too."

"Alright, it's official, you're my new best friend while Marty gets his girl." He joked.

"What do you wanna do today then?"

"Why don't we take a walk." Without waiting for me to respond Tj was out the door and already going towards the forest. I assumed we were going to the tree house again. I followed him through the trees until we got there. He waited at the bottom of the ladder and once again made me go up first.

In daylight I was able to really see what was up there. It was just a small room, with one window and a sky light in the roof which you could see clouds or stars through. It was cute, a little old, but cute.

Tj slumped down in the corner of the room and let out a deep sigh.

"Why is the world like this?" He said. It didn't really seem like he was talking to me, more just saying something to let the world hear. Still, I replied.

"Like what?"

"Like... bad. Like why do people have to care who other people like? And I dont even just mean like gays and shit, just in general. Why does it matter who you're dating or who you have a crush on. Why can't people just leave it alone."

"Well, I think it's just human nature." I said to him, "Love is a basic necessity and it's only natural for one to be curious about who other people love."

He tilted his head and gave me a confused look. "That doesn't excuse people for being assholes."

"Is this about those guys?" I asked, "I promise, when we figure out who they are me and Jonah will go and-

"No I don't want you to do anything. It's to be expected from Shadyside guys, they all suck." His eyes widened and he made eye contact with me, "Well not all of them." He flashed a small smile at me, making sure I knew he was talking about me.

As the breeze blew through the window I noticed how the sunlight caught his eyes. Were they always that color? I'd never seen eyes that vivid of green, they were beautiful. There was a brightness inside of them that captivated me every time I looked into them.

His hair was standing up perfectly, like always. Every morning it was messy and laid down on his forehead. Before any one could see he would gel it up, but I saw it, and it looked good.

He was impossibly charismatic, people just clung to his every word. He lifted people up instead of tearing them down like I assumed when I first saw him. Tj was a really amazing person.

Oh shit. One, his eyes. Two, his hair. Three, his personality. Those were the three for sure ways to know when I had a real crush on someone, damn it. But I couldn't have a crush on Tj, I barely know him, right? Plus, he just out of a long, loving relationship that I had a part in ending. This can't be a crush, that would be wrong.

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