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"Mom, Don't you think you've cooked too much food for three people?"Saanjh said,while gazing down at the dining table which was full of various delicious dishes.

"Who says that all the foods are only for three people ?"Suman replied while arranging the plates on the table.

"Are we expecting any guests in dinner?"Saanjh furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

Suman opened her mouth to answer   her but before she could say anything ,the door bell rang .

"It must be them."Suman mumbled to herself and rushed to open the door.

Saanjh followed her mother .

Suman and Avinash welcomed a middle aged couple into their house.By their appearance,Saanjh could guess that they were pretty rich.

"Tarun,Who are they?"Saanjh asked her brother who was standing by her side.

"They're Vihaan bro's parents.Your future in-laws!"Tarun replied with a mischievous smile.

Saanjh gave him a stern glare for addressing them as her in-law.

"What are they doing here?"She asked  in confusion.

"Isn't that obvious?They're here to meet their future daughter-in-law."He said in a teasing tone.

"Tarun,Do you want to get a slap?"Saanjh hissed.

"What?Am I wrong?If you marry Vihaan bro, you would be their daughter-in-law, wouldn't you?"Tarun asked and received a glare in return.

"Shut up,Tarun.You're really gonna get....."Saanjh couldn't finish her saying as Suman came and took her to introduce with Vihaan's parents.

Gulping down her awkwardness ,Saanjh greeted Mr. and Mrs.Oberoi with a courteous smile.Mr.Vikrant oberoi talked nice and cordially with her whereas Mrs.Oberoi seemed cold to her .

"Where is Vihaan?"Avinash inquired as they made their way to the living room .

"He is outside.....Parking his car in the driveway."Mr.Oberoi; Vihaan's father answered, walking along with his wife Malini.

Coming to the living room,they settled themselves on the sofa and engrossed in a conversation.Shortly after Vihaan also joined them.

Next two hours both families spend a joyful time together.Though Saanjh was uncomfortable throughout the time but she didn't let it show on her face.There was another person who was not enjoying this get together and it was Malini,Vihaan's mother. Saanjh didn't miss to notice that.

"Mr.Mathur,We know eachother for a year. But this is the first time we're meeting this way .And you know what?I'm truly enjoying it."Vikrant said,taking a spoonful of ice-cream into his mouth.

Right then,they were sitting in the living room and were enjoying ice-cream as a dessert after having the dinner.

"We're going to have many opportunities like this in the future,Mr.Oberoi."Avinash said, smilingly.

"Yes, definitely."Vikrant nodded.

"Actually we wanted to thank your family and that's why we arranged this get together."Suman spoke.

Vihaan and his parents knitted their eyebrows in confusion as they had no idea what were they thanking them for.

Suman continued"We wanted to tell that whatever your family did for us,we're really greatful."She paused and shifted her gaze to Vihaan as she started again"Especially what you've done for us Vihaan,merely thanking you isn't enough.When Saanjh was in coma,we'd panicked numerous times but it was You who wouldn't let us give up.You used to boost our courage.You used to assure us that she will return and see she did."

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