There Was A Boy.

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There was a boy who lived his life,

Depressed, alone and scared,

He always kept it to himself,

The only secret he never shared.

His father used to beat him,

His mother was the worst,

He'd cry himself to sleep,

Thinking 'why must I be cursed.'

One day he found a blade,

He never thought he would,

Hold it up to his skin,

And see his dripping blood.

His skin was full of scars,

Eyes full of despair,

He always thought to himself,

'How could this be fair?'

One day he just accepted,

He deserved all of that pain,

He was addicted to the sight of blood,

The only thing that kept him sane.

He met a group of people,

He called each one his friend,

And he was always with them,

Until his very end.

He made a fake persona,

Which he showed them everyday,

But once he got back to his room,

He cried the pain away.

He always kept his mask up,

He never let it slide,

Because if he ever did,

They'd see what was deep inside.

Everyday he hid his feelings,

They got harder and harder to hide,

As every time he smiled at them,

They never knew he lied.

One day he let his mask slip,

And someone saw the truth,

He hated all the pity,

So he climbed up to the roof.

He looked across the city,

And smiled at the view,

He reached up to the sky,

The last thing he saw was blue.

He fell quickly to his death,

And landed with a thud,

Now the street was deeply stained,

With the colour of his blood.

They held his funeral one week later,

At the crack of dawn,

And little did the dead boy know,

That all his friends would mourn.

So if you ever find yourself,

Just like this boy who died,

Never keep it to yourself,

And never, ever hide.

Always tell someone close,

Even if it's hard.

Because I can tell you now,

It's better than being scarred.

Because even if you feel alone,

There's always someone there,

Someone who will always listen,

And someone who will care.

Well thats that finished. 287 words (not including this), I made this up last night while watching something on YouTube. I showed my family and they told me to post it somewhere, so I chose Wattpad, even though it is shit, but it is really therapeutic to write so I guess it's worth a shot.

Thank you for reading. Bye. x

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