Only Thoughts Inside My Brain.

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                                                WARNING: MENTIONS OF RAPE AND SELF HARM.

I still remember everything,

His smell, his voice, his touch,

And every time I see his face,

The pain is just too much.

It started out as nothing,

A few cuts here and there,

But now it's lead to something massive,

Which I don't think I can bare.

One cut for all the names they call me,

One cut for all my thoughts,

One cut for what he did to me,

 And all the pain that he brought.

I know I cannot end my life,

As I have a family who's always there,

But I will never share this secret,

As I believe they do not care.

I want to end the torture,

Surging through my brain,

I want to go to sleep at night,

I don't want to feel insane.

I want to jump off the highest roof,

 I want to learn to fly,

Away from all my problems,

And into the bright, blue sky.

But I will learn to cope with it,

Cope with every ounce of pain,

Because even though they torture me,

They're only thoughts inside my brain. 

Another one done. Only 155 words in this poem.

This one is a bit dark and it is nothing to be taken lightly. If anything like this happens to any of you, talk to someone because I know that if you don't tell someone, it will make you feel worse. Even though it feels as if you cannot tell anyone, you can, it just takes a lot of effort. Never keep it to yourself as it only eats you up from the inside. 

Thank you for reading. Bye. x

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