What if....

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⚠ Warning: Mention of self harm and implied suicide.

What if I had noticed,

That something wasn't right,

That they had lost all their hopes,

And no longer they could fight.

What if I had asked them,

Even once or twice a day,

Would they still be here with me,

Or would they still have slipped away?

What if I had said something,

Even just a word,

Would their mind have been cleared,

Or would it still be just as blurred?

What if I had not stood there,

Watching their hope fade,

Would they be alive today,

Or would they still have paid?

What if I had been aware,

Of all the scars that grew,

Would this all just be a dream,

Or would it still be true?

What if I had stopped asking,

Myself " What can I do?"

And maybe instead,

I tried to solve the issue?

Hey so this is my first poem in quite a long time, I have been very stressed lately and a lot has happened so I took a really long break, and I am sorry for that.

Although this is the first poem I have posted in a while, I am hoping to post more, but I probably still won't be that consistent.

Thanks for being patient. ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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