Valentina during the Empire

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The year is 110 CE, Trajen is emperor and, after his victory in Dacia, The Roman World is at peace; stable and prosperous. The Roman Empire has risen, and Valentina felt satisfied with what is going on now that everyone is at peace. Before this time Valentina have been going out and trying to fight for what she believes in. Like from 66 CE to 135 CE when she helped fight in the Jewish revolts. It's like when she was fighting in the slave revolts. The Jewish-Roman wars were a series of large-scale revolts by the Jews of the Eastern Mediterranean against the Roman Empire. The revolts strive to restore an independent Judean state. The reason why she feels strongly about this is because Christianity had come into Rome and a lot of people had decided to abandon their pagan roots. Valentina on the other hand choose to stand by her pagan beliefs and fight to help others to practice whatever believe they practice.

During her life throughout the emperors, there were some emperors she agreed with and others she didn't agree with and have heard other people's thoughts on what is going on in Ancient Rome. From the last time we last seen Valentina because of her involvement in the slave revolts she had been stripped from her rights and became a lower class. She didn't care for that anyways because she had always hated the fact that she was treated better than anyone else because she was a senator daughter. She chooses to pick herself up from that downfall and keep doing what she loves to do. Helping people who needs help and to give them freedom to be who they want to be.

During when Nero took control of Rome as the last emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. He was adopted by his great uncle Claudius and became Claudius heir and successor. Like Claudius, Nero became emperor with the consent of the Praetorian Guard. Five years into his reign, he had his mother murdered. Up until that point, Valentina liked him as emperor because he had focused much of his attention on diplomacy, trade and the cultural life of the empire, ordering theatres built and promoting athletic games.

He made public appearances as an actor, poet, musician and charioteer which Valentina have seen him doing. In the eyes of traditionalists, this undermined the dignity and authority of his person, status, and office. His extravagant, empire-wide program of public and private works was founded by a rise in taxes that was much resented by the middle and upper classes. This was something Valentina hated about what he was doing to his people. There were various plots against his life were revealed; the ringleaders, most of them Nero's own courtiers, were executed. Valentina tried to stay out of that so she could have a happier ending then the way her past life did. She wanted to have a happier ending then Aphrodisa.

The Flavian dynasty was short lived but there were several significant historic, economic, and military events took place during their reign. During that time Valentina and Merc decided to travel to Pompeii and tried to start their lives together. However, that didn't last long because soon after they had moved, Mount Vesuvius erupted. Valentina tried to get both herself and Merc out of there and to safely, but Merc ended up sacrificing his own life for her to get out of there safely. When she looked back, she saw the place that she would have called home with her lover burnt to ground as nothing but ash. She went down onto her knees and wept for everything has changed for her life.

She left and went back to Rome. She later found out that she is expecting. One lasting reminder of her love for him. That disaster had affected her life for the worst but now there is a new life she needs to care for that might affect her life for the best. She placed a hand on her belly and said to herself "I will care for you little one" thinking about Merc one last time before starting on a new chapter of her life.

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