Whip-cream kisses and Star-Crossed Lovers

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Great_Day sat at his chair, tapping a pencil to his white chin.

It was a few minutes before he called [OPERATIVE] Emotionless to his residence, and Emotionless wasted no time in heading over there.

The doors opened, and Emotionless escorted himself to his meeting chair, next to the Supreme Leader.

"Thank you, [OPERATIVE] Emotionless. I've finally came to a descision." He leans forward in his chair.

Emotionless perks up, still living by his name. "That's great, Sir."

Chapter 8: Whip-Cream Kisses and Star-Crossed Lovers

I wake up, the light blaring into my sight and making my vision of the morning blurry. I pick up a whiff of familiar Cologne. Radiant.

I thought about him with a blush. I can't believe he did that on stage last night. I felt so embarrassed, but I honestly had fun dancing with him, more that I think about it.

I yawn, waking up. To my misfortune, Radiant is not present in the residence with me. I sigh, flipping my legs off the bed and propping my figure onto the floor. Stretching my arms, I figured Radiant wouldn't mind if I used a hairbrush. So, I helped myself to one of his many combs.

After I brushed my hair out, I went and changed. Just as I was finished, I spotted a white piece of paper on the door. Plucking it off the mechanical door, I read it aloud.

"Sorry (Y/N)! I unfortunately had to attend an [OPERATIVE] meeting early this morning! Go ahead and leave whenever you wake up, please be safe! From, your beloved, Radiant_Day." I muttered to myself, blushing when he called him 'my beloved.'

I stuffed the paper into my pocket, and headed out the door, simply pressing the button and allowing the gears and locks to whine.

I promised Dynamic that I would stop my the library. It'd be nice to relax with a good book.

I skipped down to the stairs that led down to the [CITY SQUARE]. Taking note of the sweet-smelling scents of the bakery, I promised myself to stop by Benevolent's Bakery right after my stop to the library.

When I walked into the library, the bell jingled from the doorway. The familiar purple-wearing Operative looked up to me. He pushes down his glasses and smiles.

"Hello, (Y/N)!" He slid a bookmark into the page he was on. He put the book face-down and turned his full attention to me. He is always so attentive when it comes to speaking to certian people. "How are you feeling today? Maybe as Dynamic as me?" He laughed.

I giggled. "Perhaps, but do you have any book reccomendations?"

He sat in thought for a moment, pushing up his glasses slowly, but then putting his finger up. "I could always go for a star-crossed lovers-type book. Here, come," he led me to a shelf, and he bent down and grabbed a novel by the name of 'Your Name.'

"It's a book to make you think. Maybe when you finish it, we could watch the movie together." He smiles, handing me the book.

"Oh? A movie adaptation? It's that good!" I laughed, thanking him quickly for the book. "Do I need some sort of library card?"

Dynamic shakes his head. "Negative. I used to have that kind of system, but I have so much time on my hands I just remember everyone who borrowed a book. I have so much time to go fetch them myself when they're passed their due dates." I nod slowly, finding his intentions interesting. Is being an operative that boring and bland?

"Thank you again, Dynamic! I'll be sure to read it ASAP!" I smile, waving goodbye and heading out the door.

Just as I am walking out the door, a pink suit flashes before me and I fall to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, my dear!" A smooth voice winced. "Let me help you up!" Benevolent grabs me by my arm and helps me to my feet.

"Ah, thank you Benevolent. I was so deep in thought I guessed I didn't see you!" I laughed nervously.

He fakes a frown at me. "I'm just that forgettable...aren't I?" He takes a hand to his forhead sniffling slightly.

I play along. "Forgive me!" I gasp fakely, without thinking I grab his arm that was placed on his forehead and putting my other arm on his back, dipping him as Radiant had did last night to me. "I did not th-think over my words."

Benevolent's cheeks become slightly pink. "Wow..." he mutters under your breath, then he laughs. "You deserve a cake for that act!" His grin grows more.

I release him gently. "Awe. You really mean it?" I giggle, flushing slightly.

He nods quickly. "Come on, I'll teach you to bake!" He skips to the bakery, looking giddy as ever. What a twinkle.

He leads me into the bakery, and he digs through his supply cabinets. After he sets a load on the counter, he grabs a whipped cream can and shakes it, then dabs it on my cheek. I giggle, but then freeze when he leans in to kiss my cheek.

I blush darkly, and I laugh nervously.

This was going to be a fun experience.

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