Chapter 4

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" hurts. Don't touch me. Get your hands away from me. Please don't" I said. I got only to tell this few words only my vision got blur but I felt someone closing my mouth with a piece of cloth.

(Few minutes later)

My head hurts. My body has become numb. I want to talk but I can't move my lips. I slightly open my eyes. I saw 3 Boys eating infront of me they looklike they are my age. I fully opened my eyes. I felt cold hands touching my hair. It's a girl voice but the way I felt she might have put a mask coz I can't hear her voice clearly. But at the same time I felt the voice familiar.

"What are you thinking about" she chuckled & removed the piece of cloth from my mouth.

"Why are you doing this to me." I mumbled.

"Ooh, don't be scared you don't need to know it baby.." she said.

I gave a death glare at her. She became angry.

" can you look at me like that...anyways, I think your going out today right. I'll release you now so you can go. Just shut your cute little fucking mouth. If you tell them you'll lost something precious to you. So will you be a good girl?". She said.

"I'll not tell them. I'll report you to the police. There's nothing precious to me either So I'll be a bad girl." I said.

"Oh, really you have nothing precious..think a little." She said.

Is there anything precious for me there's nothing. Suddenly my phone rang the phone was with that evil girl. It's a call from my dad.My dad is precious to me. I have to protect him I didn't get to protect my mom.

"Then if your going to become a bad girl...."

" No. I'll do what you say so don't do anything to anyone." I said.

"That's my nice girl. Here talk to your dad. Say him your okay."

"Hello, Dad" I said. I want to cry but I don't wanna make my father suffer.

"Why are you late? Did something happen" daddy asked.

"No dad. I'm with my friends so I'll be little late dad. Sorry. Oh I have to hangup" I said.

"Okay now go with your friends.Don't even talk about a word that happened to you. Boys take her outside" she said.

" Yes. Leader." Three boy push me out.

I didn't have power to even cry. I straightly went to the cafe where Moonbin works. Before going inside I put a fake smile.& Comb my hair with my fingers & went inside. I saw JK with Yooa. I thought Yooa is not coming anyways she came I'm happy.I went inside.


I think she might have gone home. I went home & washed up. I went to where Moonbin works & Yooa came 30 minutes after I came. I didn't have time to ask her aren't you busy today but I was busy helping Moonbin with his work. Then I sat for about 5 minutes. I felt like Jiho is late. But she is a girl she have to put make up &  doll up. Then I saw Jiho waving at us But she was wearing her school uniform. Didn't she went home or did something happen. Anyways she came.


Why is Jiho late. Jungkook & Yooa also came. Where is she should I take a call to her. I grab my phone & looked outside there is she. I saw her trying to smile outside the door. And her hair was messy. She quickly comb her hair with her little fingers. Her face looked tired. Did something happen & why is she with her uniform. Did Yooa did something to her. But Yooa was here.


I went inside & wave at Jungkook & Yooa. They wave me back. I waved at Moonbin too but he didn't wave back at me & he was looking at me with a worried look. I became scared did he know. I should look happy. Jiho please act like happy. Don't show them your tired. I went to Moonbin.

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