Chapter 8

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"But I have a question?" I said.

"What? Jiho" binnie asked.

"It's where will we sleep? I'm a girl you know so" I said.

"Jungkook you have two rooms in the house right. Me & you can sleep in the biggest room and Jiho can sleep in your room. What do you think?" Binnie said.

"Oh.. Moonbin you know a lot about Jungkook are you two dating...ahhhh" I said jokingly.

"What?????????????" Both said.

"No we are not Fool... & My mom want like sleeping in there room she never give me to come to there room after I turn 10 years. It's not a good idea." JK said.

"I have a idea.. You both can sleep in the room  room & I'll sleep in the couch...what do you think?" I asked.

Without even telling anything JK ran to his room & gave me a pillow and a blanket. Both of them smile widely. I thought they'll offer me to sleep in the room. Like in dramas but they are really out of what I think.


"Good Morning Jihoooo !!!!" I screamed.

"Oh fu.. why did you make me scared.lower your voice when waking up someone. Jiho said angrily I have never heard her cussing but why is she even cute while cussing.

"Food is ready. Come...I made pancakes" Jungkook screamed from the kitchen.

"Jungkook you cooked?" Jiho said while running to the kitchen table we both sat at the table.

"I'll wash my hands & come" Jiho said she ran to the tap and was washing her hand.

"Cute" while putting the pancake in the table.

"CUTE..Do you like her Jungkook" I asked. I don't know why but I was gulping when I was asking him. Jiho's phone rang I picked her phone to give it to her but I saw the name was saved as " Answer it " it's quite adorable but seems suspicious to me.

"Jiho You got a call...Here." I said.

"Thank you Moonbin" Jiho got the phone & went outside.

"Who called" Jungkook asked.

" says Answer it..I don't know who is.." I said.

"Might be someone special to her" Jungkook said.


I got the phone from binnie & went outside and checked the name it was that person who always call me and threat me.

"Hello" I said.

"Listen to me, You didn't do what I said now you'll get hurt. You deserve this. I'll send you a address come to that place. See you after 2pm." He said.

I sighed and wanted to cry then I got the message saying the address.I went inside Binnie & Jungkook was waiting for me in the table. I went and sat down. I ate telling thank you for the food.

"Jiho who called you. It was named as Answer it. " Moonbin asked.

"Someone troubling you?" Jungkook asked while stuffing some pancake into his mouth.

"Why would you check my phone. I know we are friends but it's bad." I shouted with a angry face.

"I didn't mean to. I'm I'm sorry." Binnie said.

"Jiho you are so rude. He was asking because he was worried for you." Jungkook said upset.

I was upset too.

"I'm sorry. I was not calmed." I said.

"It's okay." Binnie said lowering his face.

"Then who called you?" Jungkook asked.

My mind was blank. I was searching for a answer on my head. The only answer that popped out from my mouth was.

"It's just my Boyfriend." I said.

"Ohh...sorry" Jungkook said.

"It's okay. And guys I'm sorry I will not be able to come with you guys. I'm sorry I need to visit someone" I said worriedly.

"It's okay. Do you need someone as a driver. Jin hyun and Taehyun hyun will come here they wanted to join us. If you want to someone drive Jin hyun can." Jungkook said.

"I..Can I? If saw I just want him to Drop me near this address." I said. I don't want someone to drop me in the location but it was too far.

"Sure. I'll tell him to pick you up. Me, binnie and Tae will go to internet cafe. So don't worry." Jungkook said.

"Thank you guys." I said.

"Binnie get ready Tae will come here after 10 minutes & Jiho hyun will also come take your time to get ready" Jungkook said.

Tae, binnie and Jungkook went out bidding farewell to me Jin waited for me in the couch. I got ready. I wore a White short frock and small blue pouch. Jin was sleeping when I went down he was sleeping so well that I don't want to wake him up I waited for another 30minutes so he can get a rest coz I know he will get tired coz of driving.

"Jin wake up." I said.

" Ohh..Jiho you looked pretty. Should we go?" Jin asked.

" Thank you. Sure." I blused from Jin's word.

I fall sleep while jin driving he woke me up & I said him to wait till I come. I got out from the car and had to walk for 10minutes. I walk and someone call my name so I looked were the voice coming from then someone suddenly dragged me into a hiding place it's dark but I can see lightly the only thing I can do was crying....I didn't have much strength to fight.

I'm sorry Loves. Late updates. Guys I think after another chapter I have to stop writing the story coz I'm getting a like 2 years rest from my phone & going to study. Because this is my two last years in school. I'm gonna miss you..But I'll try to update if I have time. Love you all..I purple you guys....and BTS JIN TONIGHT is awesome..I cried.......💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


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