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Sorry I was gone for so long, but I've collected myself and am ready to write!

It was a Saturday, and Carson was curled up in an armchair with Emilia in his lap watching some kiddy TV show while he waited for Kell to show up and take him and Emilia to lunch. For some reason Papa needed everyone out of the house today, and Nico and Lila were out with friends. Mamma had taken Mateo to the park, and because Emilia hated anything remotely to do with the outdoors, Kell had promised to take them out to lunch.

Speaking of Kell, a knock rang out over the ruckus coming from the TV. Carson deposited Emilia on the armchair beside him and rushed to the door.

"Hey, Carson." There he was, leaning against one of the pillars on the front porch like he owned it. Carson grinned.


Five minutes later, the three of them were strapped into Kell's truck and heading to the diner.

"Carson?" The boy in question turned to face his sister, who was in the back seat.

"Yeah, Em?"

"Kell è il tuo ragazzo? Lila dice che lo è." (Is Kell your boyfriend? Lila says he is.) Carson choked on his own spit, sputtering as he whirled around to face his sister. 

"N-No! Non ascoltare Lila, lei non sa nulla!" (No! Don't listen to Lila, she doesn't know anything.) He grumbled, steadily turning red. Kell frowned at him.

"What did she say?" Kell asked, turning back to the road before he could cause an accident.

"Nothing!" Carson said before Emilia could correct him. "Don't worry about it."

"You sure? You seem pretty ruffled." Carson blushed more, if that was even possible.

"Positive." He squeaked. Emilia sent him a confused look.

"Ma se non è ancora il tuo amore, perché non confesserai?" (But if he is not your love yet, why won't you confess?) Emilia asked, her head tilted in honest curiosity. Carson frowned.

"Em, non posso dirglielo, anche se è vero. non dirlo a nessuno che ti ho detto, ok? è il nostro segreto," (Em, I can't tell him, even though it's true. Don't tell anyone, ok? It's our secret.) Emilia perked up at that; she loved being in on secrets.

"Ok!" She said cheerfully, going back to the large book she'd had propped up in her lap for the ride. Kell frowned.

"Ok, now I really want to know. What happened? Is it serious?" Kell asked, and Carson could see his hands tightening on the steering wheel. The poor boy hated when Carson spoke in Italian to people in front of him, as he felt left out. Carson sighed, running his hands through his wild curls.

"You are not the only one with secrets, Kell. How about we make a deal?" Kell cast a suspicious look at him.

"Alright. I trust you." Kell said slowly. Even just the phrase 'I trust you' sent poor Carson's heart skipping.

"If you tell me what's going on with you and football, I'll tell you what Emilia and I spoke about." Kell winced.

"Damn, you play a hard bargain." Carson smacked his bicep.

"No cursing in front of Emilia!" He hissed quietly as Kell rubbed his arm.

"Dang, sorry mom," Kell grumbled. "But sure, I accept. Can't say I'll tell you today, though."

"Then you won't hear about Em and I's conversation today."

"That's fair. Oh hey, we're here!" Carson looked up, and they were indeed pulling into a parking space at the diner.

Sorry for the short chapter, but I'll try to get the next up sooner.

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