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Oof I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while... I've struggled with a lot of writers' block lately so this chapter is super short but I figured that it's better than no update lol

They were back in the car and headed back to Carson's house after stuffing themselves with their food from the diner, and Carson was feeling pretty sleepy. Kell noticed this after Carson dozed off for the fifth time during the ride. Emilia was already out cold. Kell snorted as Carson jolted awake for the sixth time.

"Awww, do you need a nap, baby?" Kell teased. The idiot didn't seem to notice Carson's face erupting into a blush at the pet name, even if it was just a joke.

"N-No!" Carson hissed, sitting up straight and glaring at Kell. "I'm just sleepy because I ate a lot at the park." He mumbled, sinking into his seat as Kell laughed at him. 

"Well, we're still about 15 minutes from your house, so you can take a nap if you want. We'll be there a little early so I hope your dad doesn't mind," Kell murmured. "I promise I won't take pictures if you drool in your sleep." Carson sent Kell a fierce scowl and tried to keep his eyes from drooping.

"I do not drool in my sleep, prepotente," (bully) Carson muttered angrily, arms crossed poutily as he whirled around to glare out of the window. Kell snickered. 

"Just go to sleep, Carson. I'll wake you up when we get to your house." Kell murmured. Carson would've protested some more if the damn car seat didn't seem so comfortable.


"-son," Carson felt like he was swimming in cotton, and it didn't help that something warm was gently rubbing up and down his back. He liked that. It made him sleepier. "Carson," Carson wrinkled his nose. "Carson, wake up. We're at your place." 


Carson forced his eyes open to meet piercing blue-gay irises only inches from his face. Carson jolted back into the seat, made a squeaking sound that he would later deny and then found that the eyes were connected to a face that was totally trying not to laugh at him. He scowled and rubbed his eyes. 

"Don' wanna," Carson muttered and snuggled back into the seat, glaring blearily at a hazy-looking Kell, who smiled warmly. 

"I mean if you don't get up I could always carry you..." Kell smirked. Carson always told Kell that he detested being carried because of reasons that Carson would not reveal, but today was different.

"Mmh," Carson mumbled, holding his arms up in the universal signal for 'pick me up, dammit.' A pretty blush began at Kell's cheeks and quickly spread to the smooth column of his neck and below the collar of Kell's t-shirt, and goddamnit Carson wanted to see where that blush ended.

Still blushing, Kell unbuckled Carson and carefully maneuvered the smaller boy into an awkward bridal position and carried him up to the porch. Carson assumed that Emilia would stay in the car until Kell could come back for her, but he wasn't very focused on that now that he'd realized the gravity of the situation.

He was currently being cradled like a fucking infant by the guy he's in love with and being carried into his house, where his fucking father would see him blushing like a motherfucking middle schooler. 

"Can you put me down? I-I'm up now," Carson mumbled, positive that he was beet red. He didn't have to look up to know that Kell was smirking. 

"I thought you wanted to be carried, princess?" Kell's voice rumbled through him and Carson shivered.

"I was half asleep, dumbass!" Carson exclaimed, smacking Kell on the chest. Not that it would do any damage. "Now put me down." He grumbled, squirming around and nearly elbowing poor Kell in the nose as the boy set him on the porch.

To be continued-

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