Part 2: U.A. Pt. 1

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I grumbled as I woke up to my alarm. I quickly shut off my alarm and sat up. I rubbed my eyes a little, then I realised what day it was. It's my first day at U.A!

I hopped out of bed and quickly changed into my U.A school uniform. I smiled as I smoothed out my skirt, then I walked out of my bedroom. I checked the time and noticed I was going to be late if I didn't leave now. 

I ran downstairs, seeing Mie waiting at the door for me already. I slipped my shoes on and quickly grabbed my backpack. Mie looked at me and smiled. 

"Alright. We just have to wait for Yukio." Mie said as she looked at the stairs and sighed. 

After waiting a few minutes, our older brother, Yukio, walked down the stairs, all ready to go to school. 

We all stood there in front of the door, not saying anything to each other. 

"Well...we should go now, right?" Yukio asked as he raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh. Yeah." Mie said as she laughed a bit at herself. 

Yukio laughed a little as he opened the front door. The three of us walked out the front door, all heading towards U.A.

Once we got to U.A, we went our separate ways. I walked down a hallway of classrooms, looking for one class in particular.

"1-Y...1-Y..." I mumbled to myself. 

I finally arrived to a huge door, with the lable "1-Y" on it. I looked up at the door and gulped a little. I stood there for a few minutes, admiring the door. 

"Are you going to go in, or what?" A voice said behind me. 

I jumped a bit, not expecting that. I turned around and looked up at a boy my age. He had horns on his head, a tail, and fangs.

I blinked, noticing that I had been staring. "U-Uh...yeah..." I stuttered as I smiled shyly, then I turned around and opened the door. 

The boy behind me laughed a little as I walked into the classroom. I sighed as I walked to an empty desk and I sat down. 

I looked around the classroom, seeing an assortment of students. The boy with the fangs sat down at the desk behind mine, and I gulped. 

"Airi..." A voice said. "...Chan!" Another voice said. 

I sighed, knowing exactly who they were. My cousins, Kata and Kaito Takai. 

Kata smiled widely as he put his elbow on my desk, and rested his head on his hand. Kaito did the same on the other side of my desk. 

"So..." Kata started. "...what's It like to be in a class with your favorite cousins?" Kaito finished off, the two of them smiling widely.

"Shut up." I said as I pushed them off of my desk. They both laughed. 

I looked at the door as it opened, and I saw Cypress. I smiled, glad my friend was going to be in class with me again. 

Cypress looked at me and smiled, then he sat down in the desk in front of mine. We both waited patiently for our teacher to come in. 

Once everyone had gotten into class and sat down in their seats, our homeroom teacher walked in. 

She had short, blue hair, and piercing blue eyes. Her hero costume was a pitch black suit, with some sort of gloves on her hands. I looked up at her, wondering who she was.

"Good morning, 1-Y. I'm your homeroom teacher, Odayakana Buki."

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