Part 3: U.A. Pt. 2

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'Odayakana Buki!? The Gun Hero: Gunslinger!? She's our homeroom teacher!?' I thought excitedly, barely able to contain myself.

Buki-sensei sighed as she looked at the students in the classroom. "All of you are either nervous or excited... Or a bit of both." She said as she looked around the classroom.

"You're going to get rid of those emotions right now, for they will get in the way of your hero training." Buki-sensei said in a very monotone voice.

All of the sudden, everyone in the room got tense, starting to feel intimidated. 'This is going to be harder than I thought...' I thought, biting my bottom lip.

"Alright everyone. Get your gym uniforms on and meet me outside. Class 1-A will be out there as well, but don't let them distract you." She said, then she walked out of the classroom. After a few minutes Buki-sensei left, the students walked out of the classroom and to the changing rooms.

I gulped, getting very nervous. Once I had changed into my gym uniform, I walked out with the rest of my classmates. We stood outside, waiting for Buki-sensei. A girl I didn't know stood next to me. She looked at me and smiled.

"Hi! I'm Sawa! Sawa Kato!" She said cheerfully.

I looked at her and was almost blinded. She was like the sun. Bright, happy, and full of sunshine. She had long, blonde hair, and dark purple eyes. She also had a cute little bow in her hair.

"Um...I-I'm Airi...Airi Aki..." I mumbled quietly as I smiled shyly.

Sawa smiled. "Nice to meet ya! I hope we'll become great friends!" She said with a warm smile.

I simply nodded, smiling a little bit. I then looked forward as I saw Buki-sensei walk outside. She stood in front of us. We all looked at her, some of us nervous, and some of us excited. I was one of the nervous people.

"Now. We'll start with the ball throw. Who wants to go first?" She asked, tossing a baseball up and down with one hand, looking at us.

The boy with horns and fangs raised his hand. Buki-sensei looked at him. "Come on up, Shinigami No Shi." She said.

'So that's his name. Shinigami No Shi. How odd... ' I thought, crossing my arms.

Shinigami walked up to Buki-sensei and she gave him the baseball. He smirked a bit, then threw the ball with great power. I blinked, a shocked look on my face. I didn't expect that at all.

"663.2 meters." Buki-sensei said as she looked at Shinigami.

He put his hands in his pockets and walked back to the rest of us. Instead of going back to where he was standing originally, he stood next to me. I looked up at him, blinking again.

"Alright. I'll choose the next one to go up." Buki-sensei said as she looked at us. " Hmm...Airi Aki. " She said as she pointed at me.

I blinked and looked at her. I started to shakily walk towards her, getting very nervous. Just when I was nearly there, I tripped over my own feet and started to fall. an arrow came out of my back and caught me. I stood back up on my feet and the arrow wrapped around my arm. I smiled nervously as I looked at Buki-sensei.

She handed me the baseball, giving me a bored look. I looked at her, then at the baseball. I then looked behind me and saw Cy-chan and Sawa-kun cheering for me. I smiled and looked forwards.

The arrow let go of my arm and took the baseball from my hand. The arrow went far back, then launched the ball forwards. It quickly wrapped around my arm again, and I looked at Buki-sensei.

"700.7 meters." She said as she looked at me.

I smiled and went back to my spot. Everyone did their turn with the ball throw, then we moved onto the other tests. After ages of doing all of the tests, we finally finished everything. I tiredly looked at the scoreboard, looking for my name. To my surprise, I was ranked fourth. I blinked, not expecting that at all.

"Good job, Airi-chan!" Sawa said as she smiled widely.

I looked at her and nodded a little.

"G-Good job, Airi-chan..." Cypress mumbled quietly as he smiled shyly.

I looked at him and smiled a little.

I think I'm going to like it here at U.A...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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