Part One

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We all lost somebody. After the first wave, hundreds, thousands fell into the Void Sleep. They had no warning. Void Showers poured their rain onto unsuspecting victims.

I was about twelve at the time.

Screams rang out through the streets and the owners of the voices realised what was happening, then died out as the Void Sleep claimed them.

I peered out through the windows of my house, my young mind so curious to see what was happening. I wish I hadn't.

There were so many people, all just standing there blankly, as the yellow liquid dripped down their faces. The rain dripped down the window, tinting the view yellow. It was terrifying.

But now it's different. Waves only come every week or so, and your safe if your inside and don't drink contaminated water. Right now, I'm hiding out with Grace and Leon, in what used to be a hotel. For now, anyways. After the first few waves, the world collapsed. There's no laws, no economy, no leaders... No nothing. We've had to move base a few times because of bandits.

How wonderful humanity becomes in the face of a crisis.

Anyways, so far so good. I've found food, bottled water, fresh clothes and even a real bed for once.

Leon's out gathering supplies. It took him ages at first to trust me with his younger sister, but now we'd give our lives for the other. He's smart enough to take shelter the moment the yellow gold clouds roll in, and we've both done this a thousand times, but still, I worry. One wrong move, and I'd never know what happened to him.

Suddenly, a crash from the next room jerks me from my thoughts.

"Grace?" I call, jumping to my feet. I poke my head through the doorway, biting my lip with concern. She sits on her chair, a shattered cup at her feet. I could almost laugh with relief. The cup I gave her has slipped from her loose grip. That's all. Not bandits, or feral dogs, or...

Well, you get the gist.

I sweep up the broken porcelain, retrieve a new cup from the cupboard, and fill it with bottled water. It's a bit of a waste, giving the Void Locked things to hold or eat, but Leon and I can't, won't stop hoping the little girl with bright eyes and pigtailed plaits will come back.

"Okay Gracie, time for a snack." I whisper, half hoping for a response. But of course, like always, she is silent and blank.

I bustle around the room, grabbing a few choice food items.

The Void Locked are still alive, if you can call it living. But often not for long. Most of the time they starve, fading away to withered husks, or are attacked by desperate wild animals, unable to fend for themselves.

I hold a biscuit to Grace's mouth, watching her chew and swallow. It used to give us hope, watching her eat and drink, but it's really just a muscle memory. I hold the cup of water to her lips, and she swallows, staring vacantly at the wall behind me. Her eyelids droop, then she slumps, asleep. I carry her to her own bed, and tuck her in. I mutter my good nights, half to myself, then wearily climb into my own bed, asleep in five minutes.

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