Part Three

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After the first few waves, some people snapped. They needed a scapegoat to take out their anger on, they needed something to take out their rage on. They lit massive bonfires on the streets. They burned them. They said the Void Locked had been taken over by aliens, they weren't people, they weren't even alive anymore. They said they were just drones now, piloted by other forces.

Absolutely ridiculous.

The meteorite the waves somehow originated from was of extra-terrestrial origin, but nothing had "taken over" the people. But that didn't stop them.

There were mass killings. Slaughters. Void Locked were ripped from homes, torn from families, then burned alive. They couldn't do anything. They sat there as they were killed. Anybody who tried to stop it was lucky if they lived. There was one on my street when I was thirteen. Just a small one, compared to other places.

It was the absolute most horrific thing I have ever seen.

I settle into a deep sleep, dreams full of fire and guns.

In the night, I am suddenly shaken awake by Dave.

"Shows over, Girlie. It's time to leave."

I sit up, and look out the window. He's right. Billowing golden clouds are replaced by normal starry skies. Dave pokes me roughly to hurry me along.

"Move it." He says. I quickly check Grace still has her backpack and blankets. I can feel my one's weight pulling at my shoulders. I slip out of bed and grab the two shopping bags. Dave purses his lips and looks away. I'm guessing he and Stan had a conversation last night. I coax Grace out of bed, holding her hand tightly. Dave pokes me again.

"Move!" He yells. I gently pull Grace along, as she takes small, shuffling footsteps.

As I pass Stan, who is standing by the door, I feel his hand brush mine. I look up and mouth the words thank you as I feel a fishing knife transferred to my hand. He looks away, smiling softly.

As I walk outside, I see Leon in the distance, waving his hands outside a small tent. I grin to myself. He must have known something was up. I head in his direction, as the sun begins to rise behind him. I can feel Stan's and Dave's eyes on me as I tug Grace along.

I don't look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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