Part Two

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I wake to the sound of wood being smashed on the ground floor below. I jump up, instantly alert.


I climb out of bed, glancing over at Grace. She is sitting up, staring over at the cupboard. I grab the supply bags from next to my bed. We have two cloth shopping bags and two backpacks. I hastily stuff the two cloth bags with food, and water. The first backpack has more water, and some food and our first aid kit. The second backpack I fill with all our possessions and keepsakes, plus a few blankets. I slip that backpack onto Grace's shoulders, and the other on mine. I leave the food and water on the floor, right where I can quickly grab them. For good measure, I stuff two folded blankets into Grace's arms.

I look around the room that has been my home for the last few months. Most of our water is packed, and little over half our non-perishable foods. Then I see the lighter and two fishing knives on the cupboard. I have enough time to grab the lighter, before the door slams open, revealing the bandits.

Two large men in filthy jeans and t-shirts, one holding a gun, the other an axe. I shift in front of Grace, shielding her as best as I can.

"Don't shoot!" I yell, my hands up. I'm praying that these bandits are the more merciful kind, or even better, new to this kind of thing.

"Alright Girlie, pack it up. This is our place now." The one with the gun says, sneering at me nastily.

I reach down for the bags, eyes on the gun, but he stops me.

"Oh no you don't. Those supplies are VIP access only." He grins, with a little laugh, then gestures for me to leave.

I gulp. He's not new to this. His friend looks less comfortable, shifting his hands on the axe, and avoiding looking at me. He's my best option.

"Bu-but how will I survive?" I say, trembling slightly, feigning uncertainty and wide eyed innocence.

"My friend..." I trail off, staring intently at Axe Man. He bites his lip and looks away, avoiding my gaze.

"Well, that's your problem Girlie." Gun Man says, a smirk playing on his lips. My terror is real now. I gesture to the window. Yellow liquid drips down the surface, making patterns of gold.

"The V-Void Shower" I stammer, beginning to panic.

"Like I said, Girlie. That's your problem, not ours." Gun man says, cocking his gun.


I grit my teeth, partly because of the "Girlie", but mostly to stop my teeth chattering.

"Please." I beg, my eyes boring into Axe Man's. He shifts, a frown creasing his brow. Gun Man hefts his weapon at me, his finger tightening, ready to fire. I step back,blocking Grace as well as possible. I brace myself for the bullet.

But Axe Man saves me.

"Dave" He murmurs, nudging Gun Man."She's just a kid."

Gun Man, or rather, Dave, sighs.

"Your too soft for your own good Stan." He grunts, gun still raised.

"Dave." Stan murmurs again.

"Bah!" Dave yells, throwing the gun to the ground. I'm clearly not considered a threat. Dave stomps over to me. I step back, legs brushing Grace's bed, eying his meaty fists.

"You'll stay here until the showers over, that's it!" He shouts into my face. "You sit on this bed with your pet drone, and you stay there!"

I lean back away from his rancid breath. I grip Grace's ankle, realising the danger she could be in.

Drone. That's what Dave called her. I grit my teeth at the slur.

"On the bed! Now!" He shouts. I clamber up, pushing Grace behind me. Dave nods with satisfaction, then stomps away to my old bed.

"Third time this week. I'm not a bloody charity!" He mutters. I pull a blanket over me and Grace.


Of course, he's probably just be using it as an insult or swear word, but if he's a "cleanser", he could kill Grace in the night.

I shake my head, staring at his snoring form in the dark. He's not a cleanser. He would have killed Grace instantly if he was.


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