Ask 11: Big Goof

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HG: WHAT is up my Hoods! I'm back with another ask, from my gurl, ishipthegay asking Zane, what your first impression of Travis was before you had a crush on him!!
*breaths heavily from yelling that whole thing*

Zane: I thought what I think of him now

Travis: What would that be?

Zane: A big goof/doof

Travis: I'm just a goof? ; - ;

Zane: Yeah but that's why I love you

Travis: I LOVE YOU TOO CUPCAKE!! *hugs Zane while crying*

Zane: Yeah, yeah you big emotional goof *Pats Travis' head*

HG: WELP! That's it for today's Dare! Make sure to leave an Ask/Dare/Truth and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!!

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