Chapter 9: Tyler

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Sara's POV

-What?! That is impossible!- Sebastian yelled.

Day after day more and more vampires of his clan were found dead.
-We're doing our best to find who killed them...- a vampire said.

-Don't stop looking! I want this person dead as soon as possible!- Sebastian said and everyone left.

I approached and put my hands on his shoulders.

He took one of my hands and kissed it.
-I can't believe it's happening. Why me?- he said sighing.

-Maybe someone who wants revenge against you- I said.
-Maybe...- he said.
He turned and kissed me.

-I want you to never leave the house, you'll be safe here. My vampires will protect you- he said.
I sighed.

-I can take care of myself, you know that-.

He smiled. I knew how important I was for him so, at the end, I accepted.

Sebastian's POV

That night I left my home. If I wanted to know who that person was I had to collaborate with my enemies.

I arrived in front of a building and I jumped on the balcony. I looked inside and I saw a woman, a man and a kid.

The man saw me and took an arrow and bow; he approached and opened the door.

-Who are you and what do you want?- he said.

-I want to talk with a person called Ava- I said -Where is she?-.

-Why should I tell you?-.

-Because her girlfriend's life is in danger-.

He looked at me confused.
-Sara? What happened to her?-.

After explaining what happened the woman called Ava and when she arrived she was worried.

-Oliver what happened? Why did you c... - she blocked seeing me -What is he doing here?!-.

-I came to ask you to collaborate. There is someone in this city who is killing all the vampires and Sara could be the next target- I said.

-How could you know that?!- she said -And how do you know where she is?!-.

I smiled.
-She came to me the day she left. She left you to protect you- I said.

Ava didn't say anything. I could feel she was confused.

After some seconds she sighed.
-Fine, I'll help you. But I don't trust you, I just want to save Sara- Ava said.
I nodded.

-Good. Why don't you come with me? I can show you the bodies, maybe there are some clues that will lead us to our man- I said.

-I come with you- Oliver said -If Sara is in danger I can't stay without doing anything-.

-And I'll call the Legends- the woman said -They will help you too-.
I nodded.

-Let's go- I said.

Sara's POV

When Sebastian left I started to read a book. I couldn't go outside so I had to find something to do.

Suddenly I heard a noise from the next room.

I didn't saw him, suddenly I was on the ground with a man approaching.
I could only see a male dark shape, I couldn't recognize who he was.

He hit me at the leg with a piece of wood so I couldn't heal.

I tried to escape but I couldn't stand.
The man sighed.

-Who are you?- I said and he hit me on the head with wood.

He knew my weaknesses, it had to be someone who knew me or an espert hunter.

-Finally Sebastian will pay for what he did to me- the man said.

He showed his face: he was a man around 50 years old with a scar from one eye to the chin.

Suddenly we heard a noise and Sebastian appeared with Oliver and Ava.

-Tyler...- Sebastian said.

He smiled.

-Hello Sebastian-.

And he hit me on the chest.

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