Memories Gone

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Hello my fellow readers! This is a story based on a romantic game so I hope you like it! Vote and comment if you want but I prefer you to. I'll try updating my stories much more often for you! So yeah, enjoy!

*EDIT* I just edited the spacing in my computer... And "Y/N" means "Your Name." If you want me to change it to (name) then I'll do so.

Your POV

Escape... I must escape... I must... I..? From somewhere in the darkness... shink kashink! That shrill sound... Are guards approaching? Thud, thud, thud, thud... The ground is shaking. Is it because of the running horses? Where... am... I...? Gradually, I came to hear the cries of human voices mingled with shouts of anger. I tried to get up, but I could do no more than get my hand to flutter. How can I escape if I can't move my body?!

My heavy eyelids opened against my will. My eyes narrowed at the dazzling light, but gradually my vision adjusted. Gasp! I'm in the middle of a battlefield?! I whole-heartedly wanted to escape this place, so I mustered all of my strength and dug my fingers into the dirt. At the time... whack! Someone suddenly grabbed my wrist. Uh?! W-who...? As the mysterious person grabbed my wrist my body twitched.

"What's this? Still alive?" How rude... I am indeed still alive. "What's a girl doing fallen over on this battlefield?"

The 'somebody' let go of my wrist and scooped me up off the ground. I saw light brown hair swaying in the wind. Innocent eyes looked down upon me.

"Hey! Are you alright?" As he spoke, he pat down my body.

"... Uh... Ah.." Stop touching me with such familiarity you disrespectful man! I tried to raise my voice, but nothing would come out. I can't speak? The sound of swords being forged grew louder and louder.

"... Ach, I can't treat you here can I? Wait a minute, Kermit! I need you to be patient." A frog..! Just before the man called its name, a frog appeared. It has smooth skin, large eyes, and is unexpectedly cute. "I am going to attend to her wounds. If you would go inform Yoshitsune, I will attend to her wounds."

The frog croaked once before hopping out of my vision. "Well then, I beg your indulgence." Whaa?? Effortlessly, the young man swept me up into his arms. Swish. I was nervous being held by an unknown man. P-put me down! I didn't have any power to resist. I meekly surrendered myself to my circumstance.

"Alright, let's go." Where in the world are we going? The young man started running.

Around us the scenery blurred and fell quickly behind. He's so fast. The sound of people's voices and swords faded away quickly. Have I just been saved? With this thought I lost consciousness.


What..? There is something cold on my forehead... "Oh, are you starting to feel better? Thank goodness. I thought that you were going to die this time." The young man held a cool cloth to my head and laughed. This man is helping me?

"Wa... wat..."

???: "What's that? Water? Would you like some water?"

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