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Niamh's pov

assembly's are normally boring, but this one was a whole different level. Sister Michael stood at the front with a new statue of the child of Prague that she's become rather fond of. I stood in the middle of Michelle and James like normal.

"As you all know, at the beginning of term, the bishop graciously bestowed a beautiful piece of religious art onto our lady immaculate college the enchanting child of Prague."

fuck me this is boring.

"Sure, isn't he a great fella altogether?"

"I still don't get what it's supposed to be." James said.

"It's Jesus as a wain." Michelle told him.

"Why has he got a big red hat on?"

"Nobody knows." I answered.

"It was the bishop's wish that he be passed around all the schools in the derry diocese. Therefore we are joined this morning by Mr Malone, headmaster of St Benedict's, so that the handover ceremony can take place. You're very welcome, Mr Malone. Though I fear you may have had a wasted journey. I've thought about it, and I'd much rather just hold on to him, actually. He brightens up my office. He doesn't answer back." Sister said glaring at us. "I like the fella. And if the bishop has a problem with that, he can take it up with me. Now, what else was there? Yes. Sadly, Sister Patrick has decided to leave us. She's returning to her missionary work, educating the heathen inhabitants of a primitive and savage place. The board of governors promised me that her replacement would arrive today, but as usual they were talking out of their-"

The door banged open and everyone looked round to see who it was. A woman walked in, wearing full leather and carrying a bike helmet. She was cool, very cool.

"I believe you've been expecting me." She smirked.


We were now in English, where the new teacher stood at the front. Her name was Miss De Brún, which she had written on the board and then threw away the chalk.

"What is it we should be doing, Miss?" Jenny asked.

Well Jenny I was perfectly happy doing fuck all.

"What should you be doing?" Now, there's the question. But let me ask you a better one. What is it you want to do?" Miss De Brún asked.

"Get pished." Michelle answered.

"I'd quite like some feedback on the poetry assignment, actually." Jenny smiled.


"Fuck sake Jenny." I rolled my eyes.

"It counts towards our final grade, people!"

"This is 12a, right?"

"That is correct, Miss."

"And you are?"

"Jenny. Jenny Joyce." She smiled.

"Here we go. The flower, by Jenny Joyce."

"You're not going to read it out, are you?" Jenny looked mortified.

"Of course. Poetry should always be read aloud."

I seen Erin smirking, she thought hers was amazing.

"Some flowers are tall some flowers are small, some flowers barely grow at all."


"That's not the end."

"It should be."

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