Day 2

7 1 2

Sunday 14th of April 2019

How Much do phones destroy our social life?


a telephone.
"a few seconds later the phone rang"

synonyms: telephone, mobile phone, mobile, cell phone, car phone, radiotelephone, cordless phone, videophone, extension 

Social Life

The part of a person's time spent doing enjoyable things with others.

"I joined the club to improve my social life."

"She has a bus/hectic social life"

What is a social time?

Social time in reality is structurally connected with society, its processes; with concrete communites - people, nations, family, etc.; with every person. It is a measure of inconstancy, of the duration of social processes ofhistorical tranformations in people's life.

How can I improve my social life?

1. Invite a co-worker out for lunch. If someone is new to your workplace, make them feel welcome by inviting them for lunch.

2. Meet a friend at coffee.

3. Host a dinner party.

4. Join a club (not a club where people drink. I mean a group of people like a math club.)

5. Go solo.

6. Turn off your computer or phone.

Now how do phones destroy your social life?

Well these are my opinios and things I told myt classroom when we talked about it. 

So nowadays wherever you look, you'll see someone holding a phone. Some are talking on their phone, others are scrolling through Instagram or other apps and others discover 'hidden' things. 

This also changes the way to communicate with people. We spent most of our time on the phone that we get furious if someone tells us to put it down and talk with them. 

Other times when something bad happens (to our phone, someone wrote a hate comment on our video,phote etc., its screen cracked) it's like the world ended. One time I even cried when I couldn't find my charger.

But phones are also useful for even kids. If they get lost and they have their phone they can call their mother, father or anyone in the family and tell them where they are and to come pick them up. 

However kids, like me, get stuck easily. This topic gets me to 50-50. I'm not fond of the fact that it damages our life but I like that when somehting happens to us we can call/message someone. 

What do you think about phones? Tell me your ideas and I can discuss them another day! 

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