Who are you?

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You are Spot Conlon's sibling. Spot is extremely overprotective, so when he found out you were sneaking away with Jack Kelly of Manhattan, he wasn't too happy. But after the strike happened and he got to know Jack on a personal level, he lets you go see Jack whenever you please. Sometimes you even spend a couple nights over there.

You are a performer at Irving Hall. Medda hired you when she saw you performing on the street for money. Now instead of making pennies you were making $2 a week. There was no doubt that Medda paid you well, she considered you her own child and even gave you keys to the theater for sleeping in on cold nights.

You worked in the Brooklyn Circulation office. Just like Manhattan had the Delancey brothers, Brooklyn had you. The boys would always try to get to the gates early just to catch glimpses of you in the morning. They would catcall and try desperately to get your attention. Except one.

You are a warmup jockey out at Sheepshead. You go out at 3 or 4 in the morning and ride the racehorses around the track and warm them up before their big race many hours later. You got the job because you got caught sleeping in the hay loft of the horse barn then hopped on a horse to ride away. You've had that job ever since.

You worked at the bakery. Jack had discovered that you worked there because he saw you throwing away perfectly good sweets because by regulation they were "old". The boys would come every Sunday when they didn't work and you snuck them pastries, cookies and even cupcakes.

You are a server at Tibby's. The Manhattan Newsies came in constantly which meant your job was to get a bunch of free water glasses ready. You had become acquainted with most of the newsboys and sometimes they even left you tips. One would even leave you secret  admirer notes.

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