His Favorite thing about you

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New addition, by request, Skittery

Jacks favorite thing about you physically is your hair. He loves to play with it while you two cuddle and begs you to let him brush it and run his fingers through it.
His favorite thing about your personality is your shared sense of adventure. He loves that you both have dreams of going to far off places and escaping the small enclosure of New York.

Physically, David's favorite thing about you is your eyes. He loves the way they light up when you see something that excites you or how they sparkle in the moonlight.
His favorite thing about your personality is your passion. He loves how dedicated and passionate you are about preforming, this also leads back to loving your eyes and how they light up when you talk about your passions.

Although it's cliche, Spot is in love with your lips. He watches them while you talk all the time. He loves the way they feel against his and how they whisper sweet words to him.
The only thing that has attracted Spot to you is your fiery attitude. He loves how you seem so shy but have a tongue sharper than a knife. He finds it attractive that you're the only one who's not afraid to talk back to him.

Not to be mistaken for a hand fetish, because that's not what this is, but crutchie loves your hands. How they fit in his, how hard they work in the bakery, and the back rubs!
He is especially grateful for how caring and understanding you are. You're always there for him when he is feeling down because of his gimp. You're always adjusting yourself to fit him, wether it's your walking speed or holding the door open for him. You don't know he realizes this but he does and couldn't be more grateful.

Race's favorite thing about you are your legs. Being a Jockey you have to have a strong leg and core, your legs are practically 100% muscle and he just loves to watch them while you walk. Especially in the tight riding pants.
He is jealous of, but also loves, how smart you are. You are currently in school because tutors come to the racetrack to teach you. He loves how quickly you can determine which horse will win and calculate how much money you would win depending on the odds.

Being the mushy romantic that he is, Mush just loves everything about you. Physically, you're perfect to him no matter how much you say you're not. He insists that every inch of you is beyond perfect.
Mush envies your work ethic. You work harder as a server than he does a newsie. He always admires how dedicated and quickly you work when you're given a task.

Skittery loves your nose. You find it frustrating when he boops your nose randomly but he can't get enough of it. He always says it's "cute as a button" which also gets you frustrated because it's too cheesy.
The one aspect of your personality that skit loves the most is the fact that you are extremely cocky. You are not afraid to back down from a challenge wether it's with a boy or a girl. You always act tougher than he knows you actually are.

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