For Denise

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This was requested by @alto_banshee14
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David Jacobs was the boy who had it all. Looks, money, abs, and singing voice that could swoon any passing boy or girl.
Our school was doing a Rewritten version of Rent this year and I was cast as Mimi. Luckily for me, David was going to play Roger. Which means we had to share many scenes together as well as a kiss.

The first day of rehearsals I walked to the door extremely nervous. My dark hair thrown back in a slick pony tail and I reached to open the door. Before I could reach the handle, it turned and out swung the door, hitting me directly in the face. I stubbled around a bit before shaking my head.

"Oh my- I am so sorry, are you okay?" I looked up to meet the bright blue eyes of David Jacobs. "Uh, yeah." Was all I managed to choke out.

"Hey, you're Denise right?" He asked me, running a hand through his hair. I nodded a.m. with a shrug. "The one and only"
Why did I just say that. Of course I'm not the only Denise. God you're so-"

"So we will be kissing."
I was snapped back into reality, my eyes widened and I shook my head softly. "I'm sorry I was not listening to a word you just say."

David just laughed. "I know. Come on, come and meet the rest of the cast."

Two weeks in

It was time. This was it. We need to rehearse David and I'd kiss scene. My hands were sweaty and shaking. La Vie Boheme would have just finished playing and now it was time to sing I should tell you.

We just finished the last lines with instruments and in he leaned. Coming for my lips everything seemed to move in slow motion. I had said on the audition sheet I wouldn't be opposed to kissing someone, why hadn't I checked no.

His lips connected for a moment and then they were gone. Electricity pulsed through me that I had never experienced before. I was addicting.
"OKAY! Denise? Next time, do something instead of stand there and let David do all the work?"

Everyone laughed. Including me. I chuckled and then broke out into a laugh. David was laughing too. He looked so good when he was laughing and smiling.

After rehearsals David walked up to me and tapped my shoulder. I whipped around to face him and smiled. "Hey, sorry about earlier." I mumbled, shielding my face using my hair by looking at my feet. I could hear David laughing. "I was just as nervous as you. I've never actually kissed a girl before."

I looked up at him, shocked. "Really?" I questioned, sounding more excited than I intended.
"Yeah.. is that bad?" He asked. I giggle softly.
"No, not at all. You did great."

I could see his face turn bright red and he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He patted me softly on the shoulder.

Opening night

David and I had began to hang out more and more. And not because our characters had a relationship, but because we actually started to get closer. He would walk me to my car after rehearsals and wait at the door for me after school. People began to talk about us being a couple, he never brought up the rumors, so I didn't either.

Our scene was finally upon us. This was the first time I would kiss him in front of a bunch of people. People that I know, might I remind you. And parents, oh god.

David grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him, we kissed as fake snow fell on us. Applause erupted from every corner, Hollers, cheers, and fits of jealous girls filled the school theater.

This kiss didn't feel like all the other ones, it actually felt real, like he meant every piece of it with his soul. There was maybe even a little tongue.

The show went on, I died from a drug overdose, was resurrected, and the final curtain call was upon us. David interlocked our fingers as we walked up to the front of the stage together and took a large bow.
David gave me a cheeky look and gestured to me, I couldn't help but laugh and take another bow. Many many cheers rang out, my guardians being the loudest.

I then did the same for David, and a large gaggle of girls screamed bloody murder. I think it scared both David and I equally.

After the show we were backstage taking off our makeup.
Guilt welled up inside of me as I looked at David. The pain in my chest was too much. I needed to tell him.

I walked up to him. "David?" I asked with a very hushed tone.
"You were amazing out there Denise! The crowd went crazy over our kiss, wasn't that amazing?" David marveled, then read my facial expression.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

I took a deep breath and told him my long tale.
My name was not Denise, but princess Denise of a small Australian island just off of New Zealand. My mother and father were both the Monarchs of the island and have been at war for over 50 years with Cambodia. To settle this truce, I was betrothed to their 13 year old son. Our wedding would happen as soon as we both turned 17 and I would move to Cambodia.

David looked at me with a blank expression that I couldn't read.
"Are you serious?"

"David, why would I make something like that up? I want to be with you, not some Cambodian Prince."

David sucked on his bottom lip looking for things to say. "Well, I'll marry him then."

There was a long moment of silence before David and I both burst into a fit of laughter. We doubled over our stomachs and laughed until we had abs. I may have an arranged marriage, but David is more important to me than the throne. I would give all of it up for him. I'm glad he was understanding of my situation. He said he would do whatever he could in his power to spend as much time with me as he could before I left back to Australia.
For that, I was grateful.

Stopped at 1069 words, hell yeah

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