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Winnie's Pov

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight" the instructor called as the other girls and I practiced our positions on the side bar, watching our reflections in the big mirror opposite of the large room.

"Nicely done, now, get into your lines" the old woman called as we delicately slipped into our positions, our toes pointed as one leg angled out and the other stayed straight, our hands up and curved at our hips as she began the music.

The soft music began as we all shifted in sync, doing a quarter turn before angling our left legs up and behind us as we held a small half split for eight seconds, turning and leaping to our left as we all jumped into the air, our legs performing a beautiful straight line before we gracefully landed, the soft padding sound of our slippers echoing through the room at the same time, indicating nobody had landed earlier or later than anyone else. It was just perfect.

"Alright girls, five, four, three, two.." and on one we all began our straight pirouettes, all of our body's moving in perfect sync as the gentleness of our turns were seen throughout the room, showcased in perfect lines.

Once we all softly turned to a stop the music stopped momentarily, the instrumental growing soft as I stood straight, my shoulders nice and postured as the instructor motioned with her hands, everyone else stepping backwards, the lines now forming a square as the instructor nodded at me, I only sent her a small nod before quietly prancing forwards, slowly building up speed before I sprung, leaping into the air as my legs curved upwards, performing a perfectly straight line as my arms curved upwards over my head.

I enjoyed the very short lived moment of the leap, finally meeting the ground as my feet landed onto the wood, i turned, bending over before sticking up my left leg behind me and turning on one foot, standing straight and catching my balance as the music came to a stop.

The class erupting in claps as I bowed, the girls throwing over nice comments before a group scoffed at me.

"Yeah whatever Wennaya, next time-try to catch your balance" Ally sneered with a laugh, her friends laughing along.

"Alright class, water break, nicely done girls" she commented, going over to take notes as I grabbed my water, swigging down a load before letting my hair out of its messy bun, about to put it back up into a neater one before the echoing of the grand doors opened and a boy hurriedly walked in before catching the instructors eyes and freezing.


What was this boy doing here? this was a female course and no offence-but he doesn't look to be a dancer, telling by the way he walked in and froze up-he also knew he shouldn't have walked in here.

My eyes narrowed in confusion, examining the boy. He was quite tall, looked to be around 5'10-5'12.. he had brown hair and blue eyes-from the looks of it.

In his hands he held numerous books, I examined the titles-music books, he must've been a new musician..and to get into this school, he must've been smart and really good.

I waited for what the instructor would say, the old woman only looking him up and down but putting a small friendly smile on her face, she was very sweet and the poor boy looked so lost.

"Hello young man, who may you be?" She asked, the boy nervously rubbing the back of his neck while staying in the same spot, "I-Im Daniel.." he stuttered quietly, the girls twirling hair around their index finger, others cooing over the boy.

And there was a reason to, he was quite attractive.

"Well Daniel, you could come closer, we don't bite. I'm Madame Quell, why have you come here?" She said patiently, the boy-Daniel-hesitantly taking a few steps forwards, gulping audibly as he let out a small breath, I too walked towards them, after all, I found the situation intriguing.

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