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Wennie's Pov

I unlocked the door to the dorm, letting Daniel and the two boys in before shutting it and locking it securely, sighing out and turning around to see everyone on the couch, handing Daniel the iced packs.

"Daniel, this is all my fault-I'm so sorry! I really meant to come earlier but I wanted to bake us some-" "hey, it's not your fault, don't worry Wennaya-" he cut me off before I walked over, the blond boy scooting over so I could sit beside Daniel, "no it's mine, I'm truly sorry-"

"Wennaya, it's mine-he um, he was saying rude things about you and I just-i got mad, so I told him to stop and he hit me..a few times, but Jack and Corbyn went to go grab me ice-but you-im sorry you had to get in the middle of that-are you okay?" He rushed out, turning to face me and dropping the iced packs, examining my face as I did his.

The redness was going down as was the swelling because of the ice, so I nodded, "Yeah it's fine, it's not the first time-" I quickly cut myself off, Daniel raising his eyebrows in surprise, "it's not the first time what? Did he ever hit you before?" He asked, now gently gripping my wrists.

"No." I lied.

"I do boxing, I've been slapped and hit before, nothing big Daniel" I promised falsely, in boxing I usually held up good defences and rarely got hit in the face so when I was slapped I was quite shocked myself.

But it's okay. It's a white lie I'm sure he could handle.

"But Wennaya-" "Seriously, it's fine" I said while getting up, switching on the tv before leaving. The room and putting the cookies onto a plate and walking back, placing them on the coffee table in front of us.

"So Daniel, and you two-I don't know much about you and you don't know much about me, why don't we get to know each other?" I suggested with a smile, the boys nodding as I sat down beside Daniel again.

"Okokok, So, I'm Corbyn Besson, it's my last year here, I'm majoring in music and my backup is working as a NASA engineer, my favourite planet is Kepler 452-b because it's almost like an exact replica of earth!" He said with a pointed finger, the three of us laughing as I nodded, "that's really cool Corbyn" I commented, he cast me a small 'thanks' before we turned to Jack.

"Wow, I don't think I can top that" Jack said, the rest of us letting out a small chuckle.

"Ok well I'm Jack Robert Avery, also my last year and I'm majoring in music, I'm in Corbyn and Daniels music course. I have a fake perm because I love curly hair so much and I really really enjoy skateboarding and surfing" he said with a smile, "sick, we should skate one of these days, I've got like three penny boards, a long board, and a fishtail" I commented, Jack nodding in excitement.

Then we turned to Daniel who had been smiling, "I can't skate to save my life, I almost busted my tailbo-" "bust DOWN ThoTiAnA" Corbyn exclaimed as we erupted into a fit of laughter, haunching over as we wheezed.

"God, I've known you for fifteen minutes and I can already tell you're my third best friend" I chuckled, "third?" He asked sassily, "Yeah, Jacks my second and Dani's my first, I don't have any other friends you nuthead" I chuckled, the boys laughing along, "why thank you best friend" Daniel smiled, "yes bro! Now you can help me figure out girls" Jack exclaimed as I looked over expectantly.

"Gabbie, she's majoring in art, he's totally whipped-" "Shut up Corbyn! You're hooked on Christina!" Jack shot back, my eyes widening, "what's she majoring in?" I asked.

"Theatre-cosmetics" "oh that's my roommate!" I exclaimed proudly, "What! Really!" Corbyn asked, "yes" I nodded, and as if on cue the door opened to reveal the brunette which was surprising since she never came during lunch.

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