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Wennies pov

It had been two weeks since I met Daniel and after that whole coffee shop hangout we didn't talk much-unfortunately.

But today was the classes big recital. We were to dance for ten minutes straight in front of the whole school and parents, my nerves were beyond my body and I couldn't hold myself together.

Partly because I wondered if Daniel was going to end up coming to watch.

I don't even have his phone number to text him or remind him.

God I'm an idiot.

I looked up at our instructor expectantly; waiting for any announcement before class was dismissed.

"Alright girls, today's our big day, everyone must meet back at the grand stage at three, we won't have a run through because we already did-just now, so, you must have the routine memorized, and Wennaya, this is your chance to show everyone what you've got, practice the solo, meet back here at the same time as everyone else-we'll dance for about half hour-then..."

She led off, her face straight as she shut her eyes momentarily and quite dramatically, "I'm taking you all out for a light lunch before the show" she announced, her face breaking into a smile as her eyes crinkled and I admired her.

She was the best.

I walked up to her and gave her a small side hug, looking at her, "thank you so much-is there any way I can help with prep?" I asked, wanting to do the most for the kind old woman-after all, I might be going into a higher school after this year-and I'm pretty excited.

"No, thank you dear-oh! And everyone, the orchestra will be the music class down the hallway, invite a friend to the lunch-well, dinner and don't be late to rehearsal, I'll see you all back here at three ladies"

She dismissed us and walked out of the room to retrieve her bags as I skipped to the change rooms, my shoulder clashing with someone else's as I staggered back to apologize.

It was Daniel.

"Oh hey Daniel! Sorry about that" I smiled, the boy waving my off as he smiled back, -(the snack that smiles back)- "it's fine Wennaya, so, today's the big day" he smiled, shoving his hands into his pockets as some girls gawked at him, others rolling their eyes at the attention he's casting me.

I shrugged it off.

"Yeah, you're playing in the orchestra right?" I asked hopefully before he shook his head, "no, unfortunately not, my class has been called off for the time being, all of the instruments have been either untuned, or broken, because of some stupid kids who snuck in and messed around with all of them" he said quietly as I frowned.

"Oh I'm so sorry" I replied, placing a hand on his shoulder, even if I'd only known him for two weeks-I do know that he loves his instruments..

"Hey, it's okay, I'll still come watch!" He insisted, smiling widely as I chuckled, "really?" I asked in fake excitement for clarification as he nodded, "I know, I know, I'm the best aren't I?" He asked playfully, holding his arms out as a few girls threw me glares while walking into the change room.

"You know what would make you even better? And get you a hug?" I asked with a small smirk. He's kind, he's polite, and he's hella good looking-and one of my closest friends.

I should invite him to the dinner.

I stepped back, pacing around slowly as I talked, "...Coach is taking us out to dinner.." I trailed as I avoided his gaze, keeping a serious face.

"And, everyone gets a plus one.." I added, now folding my hands behind my back. "And there's this boy, you see.. he's coming to watch my performance, he was going to play in the orchestra but it got called off because of-what he says.. and I quote- 'stupid kids' ... and you see, I was wondering if he had any plans later tonight.." I said in a single breath as I walked in front of him like a child, pure innocence in my action.

"Could ya check with him?" I asked, smiling a toothy smile up at him as he playfully raised an eyebrow, "sure, what's this guys name?" He asked with a shrug of his shoulders, his hands sliding into his pockets as he rested his back against the wall and held himself up.

"Hm, funny story, his name is Daniel, he's a little slow-beautiful blue shine to his eyes-reminds me of internet explorer, y'know? Oh, and he's tall as heck, but-he's very sweet. So, I presume you know Daniel?" I asked in fake suspicion as he nodded slowly, a small smile on his face.

"Yes-and I can assure you, he isn't slow, so, why do you want to know if he has any plans?" He asked, looking at me with a quirked eyebrow as I kept in a small smile.

"I dunno, I wanted to invite him to dinner with me-he's a chill dude-I enjoy his company and he's my bestest friend, of course I'm going to think of him first when it comes to bringing a friend along on an occasion" I reply nonchalantly, shrugging as I stopped walking in front of him, looking up at him with my chin raised, "well...what's your name again? Darnell? Damian? Hm, I've gotta change now Duncan, but be sure to ask that Daniel guy, he's a cute one" I said playfully, winking before I threw my hair over my shoulder and pivoted, heading straight into the change rooms.

As soon as I entered, I ran into Ally, and the girl had her arms crossed with a peeved look on her face. "What's up with you and that Daniel guy? I thought you were with Jamie-" "James. And no, we broke up" I answered shortly, maintaining my calm composure and heading to one of the stalls to change.

Though once I did change into my regular clothes, and opened my stall door, the girl reappeared, in the same snarky stance with her arms crossed.

(TW: slight mention of anorexia)

"I heard you were inviting him to lunch" she hummed, unamused. "But I doubt he'll attend, with you at least, I mean look at all of the weight you've put on" she laughed, a dry-humourless laugh.

Her two "friends" stood next to her, laughing alongside her in sync-hyena like. It honestly creeped me out, and made me uncomfortable. And although I shouldn't be affected by it-I can't help but feel embarrassed.

I have put on weight, haven't I?

Though I kept on a fake smile, and pushed passed the three. They didn't need to know their words affected me. The only reason they did, was because it reminded me of my old relationship with James..and how often he'd make comments about my appearance.

"Well, maybe I would've actually hung out with you at lunch if you looked skinnier—you're eating too many goods..I thought ballerinas were supposed to control their weight"

Not that I was big-because I wasn't. I was the same as any other ordinary girl.

After all, I only weighed 165 pounds, that isn't even that bad...right?

And that's what made me anorexic in the first place.

A bit of her past :(

Anyways, the next chapters will be..interesting I suppose.

Hope you enjoyed! It has been edited!!

Love you! And thanks for supporting me :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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