Daithicalibere and Minicat p.3

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Lui pov

"When's the last time you had warm blood?" I asked. He looked shocked.

"Um, why?" He asked.

"Just wondering." I said. I started to pet bear. He looked at me, then looked down.

"16 years" he said.

"16?!" I yelled. He nodded.

"My father... When I was 17 he said don't give him warm blood he's to strong for it." He said. I looked at him.

"Do... do you want mine" I said hurriedly. His head shot up fast.

"Lui?!" He yelled. "I can't I might not be able to stop!" He said. I looked at him. And took off my sweatshirt off. He still didn't have a shirt on so I blushed.

"If you have warm blood you can heal." I said.

"Lui no!" He said and backed up and covered his nose and mouth. I got up and when to the bathroom and got one of my new razors. And walked back to my desk. I took the razor and slowly cut my shoulder. I whimpered, I shut my eyes. I open them to see David trying to fight something.

"Lui stop!" He growled. I see his eyes are red. He sniffed the air. He used his super speed and pinned me to my desk with his leg in between my legs. He put his mouth on my cut and started to suck. He suck harder and harder. I looked to see his claws where out. I feel him hug me and hold me tightly.

I felt his back and felt movement. Then I see two huge wings come out. They were bat wings the pulled my into him more and wrapped his wings around me. My vision started to get black dots in it. "David, im starting to blackout" I said. He nodded. After a few minutes he pulled off. And licked the opening, it started to heal.

He was panting and had his forehead on my shoulder. His wings were still out and his claws too. We stayed like that for about 10, 15 minutes. He looked in my eyes. His eyes were still red and his fangs were still out too. He slammed his lips on mine. It took my a second and I slowly kissed him back.

He licked my bottom lip asking permission to enter my mouth. I denied. He grabbed butt, I squealed. He took that opening and started to explore my mouth. He left no space in my mouth untouched. I moaned. He smiled. He pulled away. I was breathing hard. He chuckled, I blushed. I looked away.

He put a hand on my face and turned my head to look at him. I looked in his eyes. "Lui will you be my boyfriend?" He asked.

"Of course you big dork!" I said and kissed him again, he kissed back.

We pulled apart. "How about we go upstairs?" He asked. While combing though my hair.

"Sure." I said. As we walked up the stairs I heard Mini and Tyler talking about Tylers past? it sounded something like that. We walked into the kitchen where they were at any way, as we walked in I realized Tyler had a shirt on. "Where'd he get that?" 

"I had it in my bag incase I spent the night, so I just gave it to him." Mini said with I tiny blush on his cheeks. 

"Now I need to find you a shirt." I sighed about to walk downstairs to look for one but David stopped me. 

"I don't need one plus look at my wings, I don't really have control of them right now." David said having a gentle grip on my wrist. 

"Are you sure? You might get cold." I said, he chuckled and shook his head. 

"I'm part wendigo remember I can survive in the coldest weather I'll be fine I promise." 

"I still think you should have a shirt on." 

"Why? Can't stop looking?" 

"NO! S-Shut UP!" 

"Cute." David said before going down stairs leaving me a blushing mess, Mini started to poke at my cheeks to have blush more noticeable. I slapped his hands away turning around to not face anyone til the blushing stopped. I heard David coming up the stairs, he came out in one of my oversized sweatshirts. "I like the size but I think Tyler and I should go shopping for our own clothes." 

"Agreed." Tyler said. 

"We can take you guys." I said. 

"Nah we'll be right back." David said.

"How are you gonna get there and back and wheres the money?" I said smirking.

"Um wings and honey I still have money its just a little old or as you say crumpled up. We'll be fine right Tyler?" David said looking at Tyler. 

"Yeah we'll be back before you two notice." Tyler said. 

"But you guys haven't flown in so long." Craig said.

"The best way to learn is the hard way." David said while walking to the door with Tyler going after him. 

"Wait!" I said, David stopped and turned to look at me. 

"Whats up?" 

"Please don't get hurt or die." I mumbled looking at the floor, David footsteps I heard coming closer til he was right in front of me. He lifted my chin and he looked deeply into my eyes before kissing my forehead. 

"We'll be careful." He said before walking out the door with one more look back with a smile on his face. Now it was just me and Craig. 

"Sooo what should we do?" Craig asked, I scratched my head and shrugged my shoulders, then Bear came up jumping on my leg.

"Oh lets take her on a quick walk." I said with a smile she started to bark her puppy bark and wagging her tail. I walked over to the door grabbing her leash and hooked it onto her collar, we walked outside to see it was still a little bright outside. We started to walk to the park just a little ways away from my house, we got there and bear did her business that I had to clean up but its good for her. On the way back home I started to feel uneasy, Craig noticed. 

"Whats up?" He asked.

"I don't know but lets walk a little faster." I said we did, getting to house opening the door closing it and locking it. "I didn't like that at all." 

"Me neither." Craig said as I took off Bears leash she ran to the living room laying on the couch after I lifted her up onto the couch, she's a little to small yet to get up there. Craig and I sat on the couch too we were just talking that we didn't realize how much time had past when there was a knock on the door, then Davids voice.

"Why'd you lock us outtt." 

I quickly stood up and unlocked the door and let them in, they had quite a few bags and David had a huge smirk on his lips. 

I could get used to this. 

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