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The entrance hall was packed to the brim with students, all dressing different formal clothes in a huge variety of colours and standing in front of the doors to the Great Hall, which would open at exactly eight o'clock. Fred and George stood at one side, the latter leaning on the stone wall and looking towards the grand staircase with interest, as if he was trying to find someone. Both of them wore dress robes, black with a light orange waistcoat, that made them look less chaotic than usual.

"Where's Cassie?" Fred asked Angelina, whose dress he could not stop touching because of the smooth feeling.

"She was doing some last-minute retouching." She replied, smiling and softly swatting Fred's hand away. "Stop that! Have you never felt velvet?"

He shrugged, and looped an arm around his date's waist, wearing his characteristic grin.

"I have never felt velvet on you."

George looked away from them, feeling a little uncomfortable. His gaze shifted over to where his little brother Ron was meeting his date; a girl he had never seen before. She was pretty.

A nudge from Fred pulled him out of his thoughts, and George lifted his head just in time to see a familiar red-haired girl walking down the stairs. However, at that moment the doors to the Great Hall opened and there was a ruckus as everyone started moving around. George waded through the multitude, until he found Cassie at the bottom of the stairs, and his breath hitched.

Her long, orange hair that was usually tied back or pulled into a braid was cut short at shoulders length, giving Cassie a whole new appearance that he liked very much. The dress was perfect as well, he would have described it as unique, and golden heels shone on her feet, making her a little bit taller than what she usually was.


Cassie broke into a grin, and George realized he had been caught staring for too long. To tell the truth, she was also quite impressed with his put-together appearance; dress robes suited him well.

"You look great." George said, admiring her once again. Cassie blushed. "I like your hair."

Before he could process what he was doing, George's hand reached out and pushed a short red lock behind her ear gently.

"Thanks." The girl replied, the redness on her cheeks growing as she looked around them at the crowd that was entering the Great Hall. "I think we should go inside."

Dinner was excellent, Cassie thought. There was an entire menu of delicious food for them to choose from, and the twins and Lee kept making jokes and funny faces, so between all the laughter and the food, she had a very good time.

Once everyone was full, Dumbledore asked them to stand up, and all the tables were neatly organized along the walls with a wave of his wand. The students watched excitedly as the dance floor was formed, and a stage was conjured on one side of the room. A music band climbed onto it, everyone cheering loudly when they realized it was The Weird Sisters. Cassie almost cried.

After the four champions performed the first dance, everyone was allowed to enter the dance floor. George held out his hand almost mockingly for Cassie to take, and they danced to the slow song that was playing, mostly making fun of Fred and Angelina, who were pretty invested on it.

A livelier song started playing after that, and then another one, and then one more. Cassie danced wildly with George, having fun being twirled around and not caring at all how people were seeing her from outside, since she didn't really know how to dance. She was having a blast, and nothing else mattered.

"You want some butterbeer?" George asked her once they finally decided to rest and catch their breath for a small while.

Cassie nodded, sitting down in the nearest table she could find. Harry and Ron were sitting nearby, and she pondered going to talk to them for a moment, to see how the fourth champion was doing, but then Hermione Granger appeared and the three of them started arguing about something, so she decided it was better to stay out of it.

Angelina and Fred kept dancing exuberantly, not caring if they crashed hard with the people around them, and Alicia was at the other side of the room, sitting very close to Kenneth while he whispered something on her ear. Cassie smiled to herself and averted her gaze, not wanting to spy on her friend. Lee was nowhere to be seen, but Cassie could have sworn she had seen him leaving the hall with Katie Bell, in the direction of the school grounds.

"Nice hair, Moore."

The modulated voice of Kathleen Maybeth snapped Cassie out of her thoughts. She was standing next to her, wearing a stunning emerald green dress with lace embroidery on the top and a V-neck, thin straps and a split skirt giving it style. Cassie felt herself gaping for a few seconds, until she recomposed herself and managed a nervous smile.

"T-Thank you." She stammered.

Kathleen smirked and held out her hand.

"Care for a dance?"

Almost trembling, the redhead took her hand and let the Slytherin lead her towards the dancefloor, while a captivating song she remembered vaguely from the radio played. Kathleen didn't let go of her hand, instead leading her through the quick steps of the dance following the song's rhythm.

"Don't you have a date?" Cassie asked, talking loudly in order to be heard over the music.

The brunette leaned closer to her, soft breath tickling Cassie's ear when she spoke softly.

"I just didn't find the right person."

Cassie felt frozen in the spot, unable to tear her eyes apart from Kathleen, who was looking at her intensely. The music kept playing, and people danced around them, as their bodies seemed to be inching closer by the second...

A hand grabbed the redhead's arm, snapping her out of her trance. She quickly turned to see George standing there, a flash of anger in his blue eyes.

"I thought you were tired from all the dancing." He said lowly. Cassie was about to blurt out some excuse, when another voice joined the two of them.

"Maybe she was tired of dancing with you."

Kathleen's eyes had lost their usual playful glint, and her face was stone-cold with a hint of a sneer. Cassie had only seen the Slytherin behave like that with one other person, and that was Emily Crowe.

"You know what-" George started to say in a loud voice, but was cut off by Cassie, who had had enough.

"Cut it, both of you." She said sharply. "I'm leaving."

Turning on her heel, the redhead stalked away, dodging dancing couples. She reached the main hall, and was about to start climbing up the stairs towards the Gryffindor common room when George's voice made her stop dead on her tracks.

"I think I deserve some explanation."

Cassie turned swiftly towards him, feeling anger rise inside of her. The good and friendly atmosphere had completely disappeared, and she only felt anger. Anger at George, who couldn't even accept her sexuality but demanded an explanation for such a stupid thing. Anger at Kathleen, just for being so damn confusing. And finally, anger at herself, for being so weak and stupid as to not figure out what her feelings were.

"Why do you care?!" She yelled at him, walking his way. "We're just friends!"

There was a hint of hurt in George's face, but he quickly covered it with an equally angry expression. He also strode closer to Cassie, their faces mere inches from each other.

"I bloody know we're just friends." He growled.

A moment of hesitation passed between the two of them, until Cassie finally threw her head forward and their lips connected angrily in a hot, much awaited kiss.

A/N: I enjoyed writing this chapter, although I had three possible outcomes. Yet, here we are. At the top, a picture of how I think Cassie's hair would look like. Once again, thanks everyone for reading and voting and commenting :)

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