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The next Hogsmeade weekend, Cassie stayed into the castle. She watched her friends walk down the path to the little village and then found herself a nice little space in a windowsill that overlooked the lake and part of the grounds. Notebook in hand, her intention for the day was clear: sketching everything that came to her mind.

However, her plans didn't usually go through as planned.

"Not a fan of Hogsmeade?"

Kathleen Maybeth leaned on the wall opposite her, black hair gathered in a nice plait that fell over her right shoulder. She was on her Hogwarts uniform – white shirt and green-embroidered skirt –, unlike Cassie, who was wearing her comfiest jeans and a Gryffindor sweatshirt, her red hair falling messily at both sides of her face and stopping right above the shoulders.

"Not a fan of crowds, more like." The redhead replied with a shy smile.

"Yeah, me neither."

They fell in a comfortable silence, Cassie finishing a sketch in her notebook and the Slytherin girl looking at her with curiosity.

"What's the deal with Weasley?" She finally asked, startling Cassie slightly.


"You know. The Yule Ball, his little angry looks at me..." Kathleen insisted, a bit of impatience underlying her tone.

"Oh." Cassie didn't know what to say, and lowered her gaze back to her drawing. "I don't know, really."

Kathleen huffed and stepped closer to her, taking the notebook from her hands in order to get her full attention.

"Then you should make up your mind, Moore. I don't think you're an idiot, but I really don't understand why you seem so keen on acting like one." She hissed, thrusting the notebook back in Cassie's arms and stalking away.

The redhead just stood there, frozen in spot. Why were both Kathleen and George so angry at her? Was she doing something? Was she not doing something? They seemed to have some kind of interest on her, but she just couldn't decide... Did she like them?

All those questions swarmed her mind for the rest of the day. Cassie knew she needed advice, badly, and finally gave in and turned to the two people that would certainly help her with heart problems: Angelina and Alicia.

"Wait, you and George did what?!"

Alicia's yell echoed in the half-empty dorm, making Cassie hurriedly shush her.

"It wasn't intentioned! At least at the beginning, I think... we were both very angry." She argued, but the smirk Angelina was giving her proved that they didn't buy it.

"You have been flirting for months, honestly, it was a matter of time." The dark skinned chaser stated. "Fred and I were thinking on starting a bet, actually."

Alicia laughed while Cassie sent both girls a glare.

"Forget it, I don't even know why I am asking you."

"Okay, okay, calm down Cass." Alicia put a hand on her shoulder, a friendly smile on her face. "Just to see if I've gotten it correctly... You and George fought a couple times before Christmas, then snogged at the ball, then fought again because you didn't talk about it for a month."

Cassie nodded, almost pouting.

"But I don't know what he wants to talk about!" She complained.

"Then there's the whole Kathleen ordeal." Angelina continued, ignoring Cassie's complaints. "She has been flirting with you what, the entire year? And you danced together at the ball, which made George jealous and, consequently, made her jealous too. She wants you to make up your mind, right? That probably means that she's waiting to see if you correspond her feelings or instead choose to go with George..."

The redhead put her face into her hands, frustrated. It was too much, and she didn't even know what to think about any of them. Two months ago, Cassie had been convinced that she had, at least, one tiny crush in George Weasley, but that Kathleen also attracted her. It was what had made her doubt about her sexuality, after all. However, after snogging George in the ball and dancing so close to Kathleen, and then all the events concerning Moody and Sirius... Cassie felt like she had more important things to worry about. That's what she told her friends, at least.

"I don't know, Cass." Angelina finally answered. "Just keep in mind that you're not the only person involved in this, and that both of them have feelings too."


The next day, Cassie woke up earlier than usual and went to the owlery, sending a letter to Sirius – a habit that had become almost a daily one –, and then going to have breakfast when not many people had awoken yet, enjoying the quietness of the Gryffindor table as she munched on her toast. She awaited until the Weasley twins made their appearance, followed by Lee Jordan, and stood up, making sure she walked past George.

"Herbology tutoring, four o'clock." She muttered, watching the surprised look on his eyes when he picked up the message.

George nodded slightly and Cassie walked away. That part of the job was done.

At precisely four o'clock, Cassie entered the abandoned classroom they had used in the first term for their weekly Herbology tutoring. George hadn't arrived yet and, as she sat on top of a desk, she feared that he wouldn't show up at all.

Nevertheless, it didn't take long for the red-haired boy to appear in the classroom's door, a mixture of confusion and curiosity on his face.

"Hey." He said quietly, locking eyes with Cassie.


He entered the room and leaned on the teacher's desk, one eyebrow arched.

"What do you want?"

Cassie hesitated slightly, but started talking anyways.

"I-I made up my mind. I don't want to pretend that nothing happened at the dance." She admitted, lowering her gaze and fixating it on the worn out surface of the desk.

"Yeah, about that..." George trailed off. Cassie lifted her head, to see that he was awkwardly scratching the back of his head. That couldn't be good.


"I, er, had a date. Yesterday."

That word, date, was what made Cassie's heart sink. After all the fighting, the kissing, the questions and the tension, George had decided to let her go and had gone on a date. She didn't have the right to feel bad, Cassie thought. It was her fault that George had given up on her, it was normal that he had grown tired of all the fighting and uncertainty. Hell, a week earlier she wasn't even thinking about him or the kiss, why did she feel so bad then? Why did it hurt so much?

"With who?" She asked, her voice wobbly. Tears started brimming in her eyes, but she didn't acknowledge them.

"Mavis Berkeley." Was his answer.

Cassie tried to remember that girl. She was a Ravenclaw in her Charms class, a bit short, with medium length brown hair and a round face. Many people knew her because she was quite clever, even for a Ravenclaw, and was usually the first to raise her hand when the professor asked a question. Cassie hadn't interacted with her much – she was quiet, but nice enough to people.


The atmosphere was tense. George looked slightly embarrassed, almost regretful, but by the look on his eyes when he had said the girl's name, Cassie knew that the date had gone well. It wasn't his fault, though. Neither Mavis'. It was all Cassie's fault, she had brought it upon herself.

"If that's all... I guess I'll be going..." George spoke tentatively. Cassie gave him a nod of her head, and he disappeared through the classroom door, leaving her alone.

A quiet sob escaped her lips, then another and then one more. She was crying, and the most frustrating thing was that she didn't even had a reason to cry.

A/N: At the top I've put a little aesthetic I made for Cassie! I'm still rather new to this 'aesthetics' thing, but I'm liking it so far :). The end of the Book 2 is near, as well, and I've already have plans for a Book 3 heehee. I hope you're all liking this! ^^

Of Redheads and Pranksters [George Weasley] ✓Where stories live. Discover now